Tuesday, October 16, 2012

hey hey everyone...we're in the middle of the week already...only one more week and a half of this month and then just one more month until Christmas then...wow..where on earth has this year gone!? It seems like I just moved here to Alaska a few weeks ago...can't believe it's almost been a year that I've been here...we keep getting snow here almost every single day here now...only thing is, it's hardly anything at all...just a light dusting of snow where you can still see the ground...then it only lasts for a few hours and then is gone again...I absolutely can not wait until we get so much snow that we can't even walk in it, or open up the car doors cause the snow here comes all the way up to the car handles where we can't even open up the doors...so possibly next week or the week after..yes that is how obsessed I am with snow because I have never ever been around it...so I finally got my ridiculous camera chargers together again nearly all year long of not being able to find them at the same time, having to leave suddenly to go back home in the middle of the year, the one charger that I did have, got stolen, and I kept forgetting to do anything about it..now that it's winter, animals are starting to come out more and more...I had to get my cameras in order as much as I love to snap pics..I had one charger, but the thing was too big, and I had no idea what to do with it..I tried and tried to fit my one camera battery in it, and it was huge...funny how I didn't try the other camera though...so I get stuck going to the dreaded electronics store...I can't stand going there because I know absolutely nothing about electronics..I whine around about my situation to some guy who I know was trying his hardest not to bust out laughing at me cause I really don't know anything about any of that stuff...he took the one camera battery that I did have, got one of my cameras and snapped the battery right in...yah I wanted to die...I was trying it over and over and over with the wrong stupid camera and wow I totally wanted to kick myself...uggh never again am I going through that...I found another charger for the one that did get stolen, and then I disappeared as fast as I could...forget that mess...never again for me..I'd rather pay someone to go for me and let them figure it out rather than me trying to cause I have no idea what I'm doing and hate it anyways...so I am still in the process of whitening my teeth...I went from 5 shades off from having teeth that belonged to a smoker whenever I don't even smoke, and I moved 9 shades down to #2...I about fainted I was so relieved..I still want to get to #1 so hopefully not too much longer...so no more pop (soda) whichever anyone refers to it as...I always call it pop...but no more of that stuff...no more Dr. Pepper...no more of any kind of my tea of any kind for me..no more juices..which I"m really not bothered by that, but still not too sure about the hot chocolate since it is dark coloured some...so just a few life style changes and I won't ever have to worry about that again...the last thing that I need to have teeth that look like someone who chew tobacco, or smokes over 4-5 packs of cigarettes a day...or also constant gum chewing or gnawing on a pencil top or pen lid...I have nooo idea why I obsess over such little stuff like that but I really can't stand to look like some of the people out there that I see...just go to Wal-Mart and you will see what I am talking about, or if there isn't a Wal-Mart there, then just go to Google or Yahoo Images, and type in "Wal-Mart Pics" or "Wal-Mart people" either try not to gag or laugh until your stomach hurts...I did both by the way...catch you all tomorrow... ;)

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