Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wow I just can't believe how quickly this weekend is flying by...this is the very last week of September, and this time next week we will be going into October...scary to think about, and then it's only 2 more months until Christmas...We have already gotten all of our Christmas shopping DONE!!!! 2 sacks of all Alaska stuff to send back home to everyone, I couldn't forget me of course since I love Alaska anything, and still have to go back for my sweatshirts and Alaska flag to hang on the wall since it was a huge pain to carry everything and still go and get lunch and carry that out...

It was all like Alaska dvd's small Alaskan ornaments, Alaska children's books for my nieces back home and also for my students, Alaskan coloring/reading/activity learning books...not sure what to call those where kids learn how to write letters and recognize them...I had never seen this stuff all related to one place, country or this is a first and of course I went crazy on it...oh and also an Alaskan tool called a "ULU" (u-loo) that is a rounded blade with a wooden handle with a carved picture of Alaskans theme on it...I am not very good at explaining anything, so I will just post a pic on here...I am getting 2 more cause I have set aside an entire book shelf for nothing but Alaska anything and everything, and it's already stocked full of both big and small things..

Guess that I will be starting a 2nd bookshelf next year for the same and my collection is getting soo cold here day by day rained for 3 weeks on and off, it would stop in between every few days, then it would start raining again....we are going to get snow already either end of this month or first part of will be a blast though to finally be able to go outside again and actually have FUN without trying to dodge rain and hail cabs when traffic is too heavy to go certain places...hmm so dinner plans last night was of course Italian cause I miss Italy soo much sometimes I still dream of everything there, (streets, houses, Venice, Verona, Pisa, Roverado In Piano, (small town we lived in..very strange name for a town though...)  and just everything that I was around I decided we go to this one Italian restaurant that we only went to one other time before once we got here....

I didn't really care for the attitude then, and thought that after about 6-7 months it would have changed...not quite...they were still very stuck up acting, and shoved us over in the corner all by ourselves while everyone else was sitting in the "nicer" part...then I found out that people go to this Italian place right before they go to the Symphony here, or one of the other Performing Arts like the Opera, performances, and I"m not sure whatelse...Those are every single weekend until the spring I believe and I wouldn't even have to think twice how much tickets would be for just one of those...We may go to like 1 or 2 of ones that I absolutely just HAVE to see, or go to...but any more than that will have to wait until next year..then of course came my favourite part ( I mean that in a sarcastic way of course) placing my order to this sour miserable bitch who had a problem with me from the very beginning...I said I didn't want dressing on my salad just PLAIN, nothing on it, no oils flavour enhancers, nothing..I have to say all that like 3-4 times cause they have done just the very opposite before just to make me mad and thought that it was funny...

I usually get an "okay' to my very picky eating choices, but this troll just stands there and attacks me by asking me "why do you want it that way??? why don't you just get this other one and hold the dressing on that???) yah whatever...with all the tomatoes and onions and cucumbers and oils, and chopped up olives, and probably spit from the guy in the back for pissing him off so much on my strike #1 embarrassment sets in and I feel it in my stomach then I couldn't feel anything...I asked for my Italian meal also to be plain without any of that nasty disgusting maranara sauce with heavy meat all through it..again I get her arguing with me..."you don't want any sauce" I said "no I really don't like anything I just order and want everything plain I have no idea why the hell you are questioning me about everything..I am the one who's going to be eating it, so I want everything as plain as it comes..." then I get "well what do you want on it!?!?!"

OMG, WTF did I just say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was sooo mad and wanted to just get up and leave this stupid place I felt so embarrassed and couldn't see, everything went blurry, my stomach felt like I was about to give a speech, (never happening for me by the way), and I couldn't feel my legs at all..I just kept looking down wishing all this would be over and I could be here in my house again without these total idiot people harrassing me like that over my food choices...then somewhere inbetween all that, I hear " you all, or we are"( not sure if she said it or my husband said it cause my hearing was shut down too, so I had no idea what was going on after being harrassed in public like that...) are weird people..." so that was it for me on that little embarrassing episode!!!!!!!!!!!

oh I was dare anyone question me about what I like and don't like, and "why don't I get this instead or this other thing" or why don't I want this, or "what do I want on it" cause I really really really don't like anything...that is why I only have vitamins, water, Sprite, plain bread, fruit , and my protein shakes to keep me from totally wasting away...I still felt sick for the rest of the time we were there, and couldn't even see straight hardly when we got up to leave....then once I got out of there, I still get a very fake smile and I wanted to bust this other bitch there right in the chops for also having a part in harrassing me like that...and once I finally got outdoors, I let it rip yelling "yah like I'll ever be back here again!!! suck on that!!!!!!!!!!!!"

 I am still fuming and posting this all over the internet to tell what they did to me while I was there...I do not like being questioned over anything esp. food choices of any kind, or telling me to get one thing and not another, or still trying to push some vomit looking sauces at me whenever I completely made it clear that I hate just about everything...I tried to make up for it with ice cream at another place, and me going on my Alaskan shopping spree later today, but I still feel totally embarrassed out of my mind for these idiots putting me through that just because I guess really "high up people" go to this place...uggh sooo not me...

I can't stand those tightass places like that where you have to be all proper every single minute cause I'm too much of a rebel deep down to be told what to do and what to like esp. by total strangers who hate me to begin with!! I"m totally done with that place...never again will I be questioned like that because I don't like anything and they try and make me look like the stupid one with everyone around...So I'm getting to word out to everyone else to be a back-talker like I am and smart off anyway that you want if someone who is supposed to be listening to you but refuses to listen to you and tries to do the "parent thing" (also not for me!!!!!!!!!!) to not be afraid to stand up to these rotten scoundrals!!! ahhh never again for me!!!!!!!!!

 I still don't hardly like anything I don't care what anyone says to me, or tells me!!! this is one reason why I got accepted into my group "picky eaters unite!!!" no one else understands this issue but the ones going through it in life!! It really is very difficult and not fair but I guess it sure does get us all attention....for me, I prefer not to even be noticed in public cause someone always embarrasses me half to death...ahh I'd better get to bed's after 5am, and I"ve been talking for about 2 1/2 hours...I could keep going on but guess I have to cut it off sometime...the pic that I am putting on here is of an Alaskan "ULU"...I have never seen them anywhere else and love them...I won't use the one I got of course until I get 2 more to set up for souveniers and just use one...there are always things out there that I love and that are sooo pretty but I will never use them because I never want to mess them up...'night everyone!!!

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