Sunday, September 23, 2012

I just read through my other one that I did late late last night (this morning really really early???) and I just realized how much junk English that I messed up on, and half of it doesn't make a lick of sense...sorry everyone...try ranting and raving like I do at 3-6 in the morning and see how clear everything is then...I think that I've finally calmed down from such idiot people that I was around yesterday, but wow when I get stuck being around them I go completely insane...That is why I hang out at my college campus sooo much whenever I am there...I really really can't stand to be around stupid people like that for 1 minute....Next fall I can finally go again after the bad weather is gone, our summer vacation...(yes we are already planning it!!!!!!!) not sure what else, then college classes again for the rest of the year and then it's Christmas again...forget the total idiots out there..I said that I don't have time for them!! Again it is cold here again...52 degrees now...Yesterday was like 42 degrees....I wanted to go outside sooo bad that it actually hurt...It's not raining, but it's chilly out and once you get out in the open, you can feel the wind and it's freezing...We've started getting in falltime about 6 months of snow until it's kinda sorta warm again...I love it and heat just do not agree with each dinner tonight will be at a more I guess you would call it "kicked back" place where everything and everyone isn't so freaking formal on everything...the ones when they find out that it's your birthday they come and yell it around and shout the "Happy Birthday" song around your table...Something that I never ever want done to me ever again...I guess that it's okay whenever you are a kid, but I don't want to be noticed when I go out...I can't stand the attention and everybody staring at me!!! so another week here, I"m doing my tutorials here online cause I just don't feel like going to the Art Studio here, and having to put up with other people talking to each other, to me, (nice try) and stand behind me watching what I'm doing when I have absolutely NO IDEA that they are standing there...then they start talking about some movie that they saw this or that in whatever it is that I'm doing, and comparing me to that, and then think it's funny, and of course gets everyone else to laughing, and that is about the time that I walk I can actually concentrate here at home and do what I want without these guys whom I don't even know making fun of me in a roundabout way....I think that I will keep this up since cold weather will soon be setting in, and I really don't wanna be getting out in to you all later when I get back home...hopefully I won't talk so much this next time where it is hanging off the page...

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