Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I really just feel like screaming for the rest of the night, so I have no idea why I'm on here...oh yah, I live on here by the way, so nothing new I just found out today that for the 2nd time in my life that I have to get braces all over again...I had the regular nasty kind whenever I was a kid, until I was about 13...14 years old...that has been foreverrrrrrr so everything has changed of course, shifted, and almost back to how it was before I had got my first I"m thankful that technology and more self-conscious people like me figured out a way to make those nasty things another 2-3 years of that nasty stuff but it won't be as bad as the first, but still it's just the fact that I have to go through it all over I'm not really saying a whole lot now, just my friends are the first ones to know anything besides me knowing first, and everyone else won't find out until after that misery has already happened and I'm right in the middle of it...not something that I really care to keep talking about when I'm mad over this whole thing to begin with!! not so sure why this is all happening in Alaska though...probably because junk Japan would never do anything but yell at you if you didn't understand them...I doubt they still haven't accepted yet that the entire world just doesn't speak Japanese like they do...I think that I"ll return to my self-pity party and then be right back on here in about half an hour once I've gotten it all out from letting this sink in..not one of my best days though!! :(

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