Thursday, September 20, 2012

(Crying All The Way Just Thinking About This!!!)

I've got my Physiology class in like 6 hours and I'm already dreading it...Only 4 more months until I complete everything for that class and get my certificate for it then I don't ever have to worry about it anymore...I'm soooooooooo bored in that having to hear about muscles (gross) picking up replicas of muscles to see how heavy they are.. (even more gross) seeing chunks of fat and picking up and feeling holding this rubber mass of yellow fat...I want to throw up but that is what is involved..Also regular tobacco and chewing tobacco mess that scares me to death just looking at it...there's too many pictures of that and I really just about want to throw up...having to listen to over and over and over again about disgusting processed foods, refined sugars, watching youtube videos on all this and having to put up with the weather messing up their connection so it makes it longer and also causes us all to stay longer... (which drive me absolutely out of my mind since I want to take off and be on here...I may be sitting there silent, but I am actually killing them all in my head for taking up my time...oh and don't forget the ones who sit there and act completely stupid asking one question after another when they clearly see that I totally want to get the (>:) } outta there...) and it only makes me draw more on the handouts they gave us...I can't draw to save my's mostly just hearts, flowers with swirly vines going all around the page, my name in 15 different letter designs, my thoughts on how bored I am... (example: "omg, somebody please help me.I am sooo bored and surrounded by idiots and gross stuff...) or "why does that one guy keep staring at me again with his friends over there?? omg they are soo freaking me out!!! somebody please help again..." or "omg I am sooooooooo tired...somebody please help" or my famous one "I want to get the (ta-dah!!) outta here and chat with my friends!!!!!!! :'( I'm sure the ones next to me have seen most of that and think I'm unbelievably weird..Oh well...guess it's back to drawing hearts, stars, puffy clouds, rainbows, and try and draw that hilarious owl again until I get it right...I did 2 pages of that thing the other night cause I could not stop laughing over it...I will draw more the best I can cause it's just so funny and post it all on here..I really really really can't draw students can draw better than I can and it's just no fair!!!  (ahhh I will finish this sometime today!!! it's after 4am now and I've got class in a few hours!!! me and staying up the whole night to get work done!!! here's to getting stared at for 2 hours straight...when I finally leave there I will feel like strangling someone..I guess that's what my stuffed animals are for...oh well... 'night everyone!!! :)  xxx

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