1. Don't ask me if I watch shows like "Married With Children," SouthPark, Family Guy, Beavis & Butthead, or the Jackass Movies...cause I don't...I am far beyond all of that and don't even come close to ever liking anything like that so good luck on finding someone who actually does but it won't be me.
2. Don't just stand there with your mouth hanging open gawking at me...yep I was in dance, modeling, piano, art conventions, and have traveled all over the world so I've got a lot to talk about, but not with someone who acts like they only know the first half of the alphabet.( getting stumped at the L M N O P part...)
3. If you are an "old guy" say about anywhere from 40 and up, and you see me in public, don't sit behind me gawking at my backside, and then I start to walk away and you tap me continuosly on my "bum" and watch me swing around in haste and say to me that "you will give me a dollar if I give you my place in line or after waiting for the last 45 minutes for a freaking table at a well-known popular restuarant...(yes, believe it or not, this really DID happen to me...ughhhhh I still can't get the shower hot enough to get that feeling off of me barrrffff...my skin is still crawling... :P) ummm not a chance, and I may be able to still pass for 16, but I'm so not into sickos like 20-30 years older than I am...I've been through this since I was in school so you ain't fooling no one...esp. me...so keep your freaking dollar...you might need it when you finally realize that you've run out of denture cream and need to go and get some more since no one else is around you since you've scared them all off. Really though, you honestly couldn't handle me though so good luck on finding someone stupid who thinks they can't get anyone and have to settle for old guys who are just a few years away from retirement... (or are already) retired... :p
4. So, for the record, nope I really don't do anything that is destructive...what I mean by this is: drinking, smoking, dipping, (yes, I've heard of some girls actually doing that, they do it in the south like you wouldn't believe...) trouble-making, hanging around totally boring people cause I would be constantly yawning and looking for an excuse to get away or some way to escape...I can't stand the smell of smoke, it's all over everything and it's nausiating to try and get rid of the smell...not to mention what it does to you health-wise and it wrecks havok on your teeth like you wouldn't belive..Also, cancer of anykind doesn't sound that great to me, so I definately wouldn't do anything to bring it on any faster than I would have to, so I do everything that I possibly can to avoid it...If I do that, then it sounds like a pretty good idea that I avoid you as well...
5. hey buddy, I appreciate you trying to talk to me, but I really don't care to hear you make armpit noises and see how many times you can "burp" your name in different sound effects...I'm getting my Master's here so there is noooo way that I would ever even blink at people who act like that...yes there are plenty of them you're forgetting that I'm always around a bunch of military guys so I hear and see it all...not for me so find someone at your intellegence level who would actually give you the time of day for doing stuff like that....That is, if you even have any intelligence to begin with...
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