Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I will get most of my pics on here from what I did on Thanksgiving weekend...I am just not in any of them because I still can't stand what I look like in my pictures...maybe one day, but today is not that day...I can post a pic on here when I was like 3 years old and I had the most rotten scowl on my face because I absolutely did not want to get my picture taken...so I am still like this...I just have to find it first and I will put it on here...

 so I hope that everyone out there has a good laugh...I won't need to tell which one is me since I'm always the only one in the room with red hair...another lifetime nightmare event...today I had to go and start my vitamin shots of all things...I've never even heard of these, and never even thought of them, much less even know that they existed...

 I have said up and down as many ways as I knew how, to as many as I could, all over the world that I really really really REALLY do not like anything hardly...I mostly take like vitamins, water, and fruit and stay starving the rest of the time until like restaurants, and I still hardly like anything...I was sick of being sick, or feeling sick I mean, and so now instead of having to take like 7-8 vitamins, I think that I can cut it down to like about 3-4 maybe...

 I'm supposed to have more energy and not feel so light-headed and nauseated most of the time...so my picky eating habits have put me in the category with everyone else like me that being a picky eater, is now somehow under the category of being an "eating disorder", and me also landing in the vitamin deficiency, all because I can hardly stand anything out there... 

 it's really not my fault stuff out there is so disgusting but I won't touch animal anything, and it's all animal products that I keep getting pushed at me...so vitamins it is for me...so frustrating but I've been this way since I was a kid...I can go through the entire alphabet, and think of something with that letter that I can't stand...let the arguments and insults begin...

~~A~~ asparagus, avocados, artichokes, almond joy (chocolate bar,~~ ( won't touch playdoh either.. :P)~~~

~~B~~beef, bacon, brussel spouts~~

~~C~~chicken nuggets, Chinese food, casseroles, coconuts, cabbage, cooked carrots, celery~~

~~D~~dark pop (soda but I still call it pop, I just had 5 fillings and I'm not going through that again, also a major teeth stainer, and decalcifies your teeth, over about $500.00 to whiten your teeth, so never again...just sticking to my Ginger Ale, 7-UP, and just plain water..I've gotten where I can't even stand the flavoured water anymore...just tooooo sweet and I don't care for it any longer...), donuts, dumplings~~

~~E~~ eggs, eggplant~~

~~F~~frozen meals, fast food,  fried anything~~

~~G~~gummy candies, gingerbread, green beans, green gunk sauce, grapefruit~~

~~H~~hamburgers, hot food, hot dogs, hot sauce~~

~~I~~ ice!!!!~~~

~~J~~Japanese food,  jello, junk food~~

~~K~~Korean food, kim-chi, kidneys (from animals), ketchup, kale~~

~~L~~liver (from animals), limes~~

~~M~~mayonnaise, milk, meat, marmalade, mushrooms~~

~~N~~nutter butter cookies, nuts, Neapolitan ice cream (the ice cream with chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla all mixed together!!  :p~~

~~O~~oatmeal stuff, octopus (pathetic Japan), organ meat, onions, olives~~

~~P~~protein shakes, (I still have to have them, but I still don't like them...I think everyone can see why now...whomever invented chocolate, thank you cause certain flavours gross me out too..), peanuts, peanut butter, pork, peppers (any kind!!!!)~~

~~Q~~ quiche~~ 

~~R~~ raisins, red meat, raw anything, radishes~~

~~S~~seeds (like overloaded on breads and things like that), salad dressings, spinach, (the goopy canned stuff!!) squash, sushi, (sorry Japan...okay not sorry at all)~~ 

~~T~~ tomatoes!!! ( that hasn't changed since I was a kid and started cutting baby teeth!! turnips, taffy~~

~~U~~ undercooked anything, ugli fruit

~~V~~ veal, venison, (meat from a deer, sob sob)

~~~~W~~  Worcestershire sauce~~

~~X~~Xianrou - Chinese for bacon, Xiphios - Greek for swordfish, Xiaonijurou - Chinese for veal Xia - Chinese for shrimp. Xia Mi - Chinese for dried shrimp.~~

~~Y ~~ yogurt, (don't even want to see it or smell the stuff...)

~~Z~~ zucchini, zabaglione - a light, frothy Italian desert made with whipped egg yolks, sugar and sweet Marsala wine, (sorry I can't take anymore of this it's grossing me out..~ 

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