Friday, March 11, 2011

Wow What A Day...Earthquakes...Tsunamis, Even Fires Here in My Hometown...

What can I say??? I just LEFT Japan 4 months ago and moved back here to the United States...I've been scared out of my mind the entire day...When I saw that there had been an Earthquake in Japan all I could think of was how lucky I was to have just barely escaped that...There are NOOOO flights going out or coming in there now, so I couldn't even leave that place...Everyone is just stuck there now like I was with dead bodies floating around everywhere, and all kinds of mess from what happened...Maybe now they will get a mental picture of how I felt and what I went through when I said that I felt trapped and not a one of them over in that pathetic place would believe me, and I'd just be told to "get used to it!!!" or "why would I want to leave that "beautiful island???!??" And that of course would get me to yell back 'THIS IS NOT A BEAUTIFUL ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP SAYING THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I guess I've proven my point now, so no more yelling for me.....I'm just glad to be outta there, and thanks to all my friends who are also on my side about that one as well....I went through about 4 Earthquakes when I lived there in Okinawa....A few small ones, where I would be at home, at the first place I lived there, and things on the walls that I had hung up would just start shaking and rattling...I thought they were working outside, but nothing...Then figured out it was an Earthquake...That happened several times...Another time, we were sleeping, and at 3am the entire bed started shaking and scared me to death, cause I've never been through that ever..then it just stopped and nothing....After that, I was doing everything I could to get the hell outta that place on living there over in Southeast Asia cause I have too much to live for to be in some stupid nothing Earthquake in a place that I totally hated and didn't want to be in the first place...I got out of there just in time....Thank YOU GOD for looking out for me....WOW I think this will definately turn a lot of people to religion even if they have never been relgious or not....They will more or less be scared into it I think...On top of that...we've also been having FIRES all across the state here today where I live...I was in an interview today, and the one I was talking with had to leave cause the fires were in their town and heading towards their house...There's nothing anyone could do to stop it...The smoke has been really really bad all day long, and still hasn't gone away...I have no idea how long it's going to last, but it's all around us here....I really hope it doesn't reach here where I'm living at now, cause it's in all 77 counties spreading because of the wind....This has been the scariest day of the year....I did not expect to wake up to all this....What can happen in just 24 hours around the world is mind blowing..I hope everyone else is completely safe out there...Just reading all what is happening, and watching it on here, and the tv makes me scared even to leave the house anymore....A lot of people have lost their entire homes and have nothing and just live a few towns away from me here...That's enough to keep me awake at night cause the smoke is so think here it still hanging outside whenever we walk out....I hope it lets up some tomorrow cause this is tooo much all at once...take care everyone...xxxxxx

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