Sunday, March 28, 2010

This was my last full weekend of being on my own. But hey, I made it. This time 3 weeks instead of just 2, so it was longer, but I still got through it. I think it was a lot easier than last time a few months ago. I knew some things to cut out, so they wouldn't I wouldn't get stuck dealing with them, or me trying to figure out what to do altogether about it. Don't ask me ever to make a decision when I'm alone, I will do anything or say anything just so I"m not bothered with it whatever it is. Well, last night before I smothered myself in watching the Top 20 countdown until 2am,(yes, I am just that crazy to stay up half the night to watch music videos) I happened to catch something I guess what everyone else would call "educational." I'm not into the political side of life, never have been, and probably never will be. All it ever gets outta me is a huge eye roll and a sigh and then a hidden gag face on the side to my friends when no one else is looking... Hmmm what was it..If I am remembering correctly, it was something about bringing Israelis and Palistinians together and teaching them about each others cultures, and exchanging languages with one another. Also getting involved in school studies how each country is different and to promote friendships with one another, and to teach that fighting isn't everything, just because there is war going on around them. I would love to be involved in something like that just to get the experience of being around others from another country and seeing what it's like. I get pretty bored being in the same lifestyle year after year and would like to change it up a bit instead of always being around the same boring people who seem to be in training to be in charge of their own funeral parlor someday. That's how much of a yawn they are to me, so that's another eye roll and gag. I've gotten to be quite good at that since I was about a teenager I think. I thought it was a good message to try and get across, and how thrilling it would be to be around others who would actually have an open mind about other people and their country. I know this would never work, but ummm maybe they should try that technique out on Texans?!?!? xoxoxo talk with u all soon.

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