Wal-Mart shopping...you just gotta LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean that sarcastically of course...I only go there, cause there really is no place else to go here, and Wal-Mart has put everything else completely outta business...Ask anyone who has also been flooded by Wal-Marts in their state...We used to have a nifty little store here back in the '70's called TG&Y, they've been out for years now...It's hard to remember what was really around before Wal-Mart completely took over...I go to do my shopping for one of the last few times while I'm here, and to also go to my art store to get some of my artwork framed before I move so I don't have to worry about it getting ruined...Then it was Wal-Mart...groannn..crowds weren't tooo bad, kids are back in school, the nutty Christmas shoppers are done for at least 11 more months, so it was one of my last few times to enjoy Wal-Mart before having to move away againnnnnnnn....I'm heavily into art, almost any kind that you can think of...I found yarn before to make my Christmas scarf for this year, the shiny red, and a dark green colour...I finally found another green, and decided to dye a white one...I go over to find the dye, and someone I don't even know, does a double-take when they see me, and just all of a sudden comes up with this random off the wall question asking me where the water is...I was like okay whatever, the water is where the rest of the water is....you really think I can't figure that out....Some guy I had no idea who it was, and just used any excuse possible to talk with me...He goes off, I go back to doing what I was doing looking at dyes to make a mess with, and then go to leave that area, and run into this same guy again announcing to everyone around that "I was right" as loudly as he could and has all this water he's trying to balance on top of another carrying it... Some people are so clueless it really makes me wonder on how they even make it out their front door since they are always asking me everything....I'm glad this is a big city, since it will be very unlikely to run into this guy again...
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