Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Look What's Happening Right Around Me....

this first event happened first, and then like half an hour later, the news came on, and said there was another drive-by shooting up the street from where I live now...Someone had been walking and a car drove by and shot them and kept on going...We had police cars here and they yellow-taped everything, and 3 news vans were here with 2 different helicopters flying overhead...then I saw my entire neighbourhood on tv...I was out there of course, and everyone kept driving or walking by and asking me everything...I had an entire audience explaining what had happened...very scary but me and everyone else is fine though...I'm ready to move to Alaska, even with all the snow they are having like crazy...I am never around it so I absolutely can not wait...I've lived in burning hot climates my whole life...never again!!!! http://www.koco.com/news/30179756/detail.html


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