Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sunday 2nd August 2009
Wow what a time I've had in just the last 2 days...both good and bad....My in laws arrived about 2 days ago, and things started going nothing but wrong...My air conditioning went completely out...they came and "patched" it twice then decided to come and replace the entire thing....which is an all day all day job with forcing me to be there, and everyone else hanging around as well.....I'm finally at private resort now and my husband and I have our own room away from his family which is a total blessing to me and I could hear the Hallelujah chorus start playing in my head whenever that finally happened cause I finally had my space and privacy back again instead of being right on top of each other like we had been the last few days.....Not soo good in this dying killer heat being in such close contact with people who tend to get on your very last nerve.....I've been on my own tooooooo long for that kind of thing.....also insisting on doing every little last thing together no matter what it is......Just too sufforcating for me sorry....not sure how to explain that to anyone who doesn't feel the same way about needing their solitary time and chance to break away from everyone else......I"m just not into the family thing, and I know that doesn't fly with eveyone who hears that, but nothing I can do to change it really.....Anyways, I've been trying to have the nicest time I possibly can while I'm on vacation and not having to worry about going to my work every single day for awhile....I've ABSOLUTELY LOVED sleeping in or being able to sleep whenever I want....hmmm anyways..... let's see what have I done in last few days.....well besides that crazy air conditioning scenario, not too much really....that happened and then we left to come here to Okuma again....real nice private resort...I came here last October I believe it was and loved it.....and it finally hit me today that any other place that we go to that doesn't exactly cater to Americans, then I always have that same annoying problem with their disgusting food they have and I'm stuck with just having bread rolls and crackers you break over soup for 2-3 here I don't have to face that.........hmm yesterday coming here, we stopped again at the Pineapple Park here in Nago City....I"ve been to that thing now like 5-6 times...and we are going AGAIN on the way back....I already started getting Christmas things for my family cause I don't expect to be back up this way the rest of this year....not until next year sometime maybe before we leave here for good....This is my first chance to finally break away from everyone and get online and be able to do what I want finally finally finally after like 2 how thrilled to pieces do you think I am now??!!?!?!?!?! I'm not into the family thing, I've been on my own since about '96 or '98 between college and moving in and out with friends things like that, so I don't know really how it goes or what goes on....I guess families totally insist on doing every little thing together, even breathing insync it seems like sometimes.....sorry tooo much for me....I have to endure like 1-2 hour meals of just sitting at a table listening to totally boring conversation that just about kills me it's so boring.......I'm glad finally they wanted to do something that I didn't have to join in or be dragged along....I"m soooo glad to be on here again and get back in touch with everyone......

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