Tuesday, December 4, 2012


wow this was like the maybe 4th or 5th earthquake that I have been through since Japan...they happened alllllllllllll the time over there...one happened in the middle of the night, and shook the whole bed like someone was standing there jerking it up and down...there is just a lot of rumbling like someone is standing there beating as hard as they can on a big bass drum...then smaller ones happened every few months, and I was sick to death of that worthless place, and that is when I took off to Australia for an entire month...oh and they actually spoke English there and it felt soooooooooooo goood to be around English speakers again and not me trying to say ridiculous Japanese words and phrases that I couldn't even pronouce hardly...try it sometime on here through Google and the first part of it will give you a migrane...and I have no idea how I got off on that...here the floor started shaking and there was a rumbling noise...then it stopped few seconds and continued again...it scared me to death and decorations on my windows and my windchimes that are hanging were shaking and making noises...I was sooooooooo glad when that thing was over and jumped online of course and started chatting to everyone else here about it...we are all fine but wow that was a huge one where we felt it...I honestly couldn't believe that some of the people here were posting that "earthquakes are fun at first with the shaking and how it rocks you back and forth.." I guess that they were referring to an amusement park ride, but I don't like any of those either so none of that stuff is fun for me... http://www.adn.com/2012/12/03/2712109/57-quake-hits-southcentral.html

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