Thursday, December 6, 2012


I really wish that they didn't take this show off the air it still cracks me up and is just toooooo funny...I am exactly like this cause I can't stand hard labour, I always worry about how I look, other girls hate me through and through, I think just about everything is all the Reality Shows are boring and way too's all fighting and yelling at one another, people crying and complaining and that is just not me...

I have all 5 seasons of "The Simple Life" and have just started watching them all over again...if anyone can catch it on here, I would never stand there and make sausages, but I would have nooooo trouble at all putting canned dog or cat food or both in them, and giving them to people that I absolutely can not staaaannnddd...

I don't wanna change diapers like ever...I wouldn't do other people's dirty laundry and put it up for them, I don't wanna work in an office, I could never sit still, and keep wanting to go and talk with everyone and laugh about stuff completely unrelated to work, I don't wanna do farm work, be around cows, have to dress up proper everyday, and anything else that is outdoor hard labour or just plain boring...

I have too much fun with the kids I work with, so I will never get used to any of that other stuff...I got in the dunk tank before when we were having a carnival thing with kids, and let them dunk me over and over and it was the most fun scared me to death suddenly just falling like that, but I may not ever get to do that again cause it's very cold here in Alaska, and we don't have water activites outdoors..

the water would freeze before we even started any of it...yah I was soaking wet the rest of the day, or part of it, cause it was so hot that drying off was no problem at all... it was tooo funny cause I was laughing, and everyone else was laughing, I couldn't get back up right away cause all my strength was being taken away from laughing too hard, but wow it was so much fun, and I wouldn't hesitate for a minute to do something like that again...

I really couldn't dream of doing anything's not on this clip, but another clip they go to Sonic, (a drive in fast food place...we don't have them here of course cause you drive up and sit in your car, and order from a speaker with the windows it wouldn't go over too well as freezing as the air gets here this time of year...) they have on sonic costumes and have to stand at the front of the road to try and get people in there..

they get bored doing that just standing there in costumes, ( I really can't blame them for that one, cause it drives me absolutely crazy to just stand in one spot not doing anything...) and they walk over to the grocery store across the street and are walking around in there with Sonic costumes on..not to mention then they were falling over laughing on the floor with everyone else looking, still wearing the over-sized costumes....something else that I would do, no problem, and wouldn't care, cause I would never see those people again...

it's soo good to know that there really are other people in the world who have the same temperments and personlities/ same kind of humour as I do...I surely won't find them here with who I have to live around cause everyone is so serious..I honestly have never met such boring stuck up people in my entire life..I hope they enjoy being miserable cause I will never be like that..

I have noo idea how I got off on that 4am it's always a surprise whenever I get on here and just start talking...see you all later today and I'll post the rest of my Thanksgiving pics...the radio is driving me out of my mind with Christmas music nonstop 24 hours a it's been Bon Jovi and the rest of my 4-5 cases of cds whenever I do my work...I really can't decide if it's a good or bad thing that I always can't wait until the holidays are over with so I won't have to hear the exact same Christmas music day after day and they would get back to regular music...only 3 more weeks to go until we start hearing the New Year's tune...that doesn't bother me as bad but Christmas music just makes me wanna scream cause they won't stop playing it..I can't help wondering if anyone else feels the same way!?! :P

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