Thursday, December 6, 2012


I hope that "Les Miserables" makes the made up Titantic movie look like it was tossed in the dirt and forgotten about centuries ago...yah that stupid boat scene is beyond annoying now, and isn't even funny so give it up people...I am going to see this on Christmas day, and I'm counting down each and everyday until it gets here...only 3 more weeks to go, and I can hardly sleep at night sometimes...This is my #1 favourite musical of all time, with" Phantom of the Opera" right after have to be into this Arts and Humanities stuff to get so excited about it...please let's kick that made up movie about "Titantic" so far out that people will completely forget about that thing...I got a REAL DOCUMENTARY on "Titantic" so that movie that they came out with is junk...I love alllllll the songs in "Les Miserables", but this one is my absolute favourite of them all and I can listen to it over and over and over and never get sick of it...I can not wait to see this movie.....and I'm already thinking about buying the cd and dvd that hasn't even come out yet...I just like buying things mostly, sometimes I don't even care what it is, but this one I won't pass up...too outstanding!!!!!!!!!!!

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