Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oh Dear God....

WHAT IS HE DOING TO THAT CAT!?!?!?! >=( I DON'T like to see things like this, but what do you expect from someone who the rest of the world makes fun of?????? Is is just me, or is this guy treating this poor kitten like it's a corn on the cob or something??? wow this is definately going on more than one of my pages to get a kick outta of it from comments...I thought I was sarcastic, but others I actually get along with have me laughing for weeks...So I should have known this was going to happen to me sooner or later...This is my first time feeling sick back in the states since I got here..In Okinawa, I was sick every year I was there...Several times a year infact cause I was so sick of it there, but no one would believe me, or just refused to...I of course have very little as it is now since everything is either in storage somewhere in Virgina I think, I'm not even sure where, and the other half is here over at my husband's family's place...I would guess about 300 boxes or something....There is no way I'm going through all that to find one little thing like a thermometer and other small things....I'm going to be stuck with 2 or 3 of the exact same thing when I get blessed with doing all the unpacking again whenever that is. I go to get all that nifty stuff you need when you feel just awful, and why oh why in THE world do they have OVULATION DETECTERS right next to everything else??? I would think that kind of junk should be with the other kind of junk that it belongs with, and not with everything else dealing with sickness..And of course I nearly grabbed one of those nasty things before I actually saw what it was and wanted to throw up....Yeah I couldn't imagine sticking something like that in my mouth before discovering what the thing really was and then would be screaming for about the next 3 days from disgust...So it's best to keep junk like that totally away from people like me who are very prone to making mistakes and then find out about them way later..This is my first semester back since I completely moved away to Italy...It has been flying by sooooo fast...I only have 2 full months left and then summer..I found out that it is impossible to go up to my university and do work on my laptop or anywhere, without someone always interrupting me and asking me stuff...That is the one thing that I absolutely can not stand..I am right in the middle of something, and pressed for time as it is, and someone hollars out at me, and asks me off the wall questions something about Police I even care to begin with..and like I know anything about that in the first place..I solved that little problem real quick, just by packing everything up and heading home cause no one bothers me here about such stupid questions...Let's see, or another time I was trying to work and people are right in the middle of a mid-term turn and start asking me things....Yeah, I'm not able to do work around other people, esp. those who seem like they don't know anything and want to ask me for everything and I have my own life and own stuff going on...I found it easiest to work late at night past midnight, cause it's dead quiet, and not even traffic is going, some people just blow me away by how dumb they can be...I worked 2 weeks ahead in everything, so I can finally have some breathing time to sleep and actually be sick, not that I want to, but I worked myself to death, so that's what I always end up with...I should have new pictures up here about next month sometime..I completely lost the cord to my 2nd camera moving here...We went through soooo many airports, and were walking, and rushing, and shoving things into bags, and I had my cats, and luggage, and we were still walking, and shoving,with people all around of course.. I looked all over for that but of course nothing, so it either got dropped,or it's still shoved at the bottom of something..That's why I can't stand moving...I always end up loosing half my stuff, then find it months later...So my spare camera really isn't my spare now, it's just a decoration until I get it to be able to charge again with the replacement...whenever I get that....I hope everyone is doing way better than I am now..I'm glad that I got to experience the snow after being away for the last 7 years, 4 of those on the most miserable place on earth...I don't plan to leave again until I finish my classes and have another of some kind of degree in my hand...No one else knows that of course just yet...they will find out soon enough I with you all soon.... I've got the greatest friends on earth who always make me smile and laugh endlessly no matter what my condition is...this is from one of my friends...not me!!!! :D tooo funny not to share!!!!!!!!!! "Thinks Women are magic creatures: they get wet without water, bleed without being injured, give milk without eating grass, & can make boneless meat ROCK HARD!"

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