Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Well, well, well... I FINALLY made it back on here....I'm sorry everyone, honestly, I've been sooo busy ever since this year started for me, and this month is practically over. I promise that I'll do better!!!! I can't believe I've made it living 4 entire years on a freaking island of all places. But I made it...Just 11 more months to go before I get back to normal people and the normality of reality in the regualar part of the world in a city that I'm familiar with and speaks English without a problem...I'm so excited that some nights I can hardly sleep honest
ly when I think what lies ahead...No more Japanese anything, no more making fun of me or my accent, yes I do have one compared to others, but I have to hear it all the time over here and it's highly more stupid neighbors and their big huge dogs living right on top of me and getting an attitude becasue I insist they keep their big dogs away from me...I've dealt with that the whole time over here. I have NO IDEA what the heck everyone's problem is more of anyone harrassing me to death on me not liking sushi junk or anything else, and finally I will get to welcome all 4 seasons with open arms...not just 3 like we have here....Now, here in Okinawa, IT IS FREEZING COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We NEVER experience this ever!!!!!!!!! Just this time of year, only once a year, and then it is hot again the rest of
the year!!! But this is wintertime for us now. It just rains, and the wind is a biting cold, but nothing else really happens. We don't get snow here, but there's plenty of sickness going around. It hit me one day last week here, and I thought I was going to just die I felt so miserable. Less than 24 hours later though, it passed, so I have no idea what just came and went long enough to torture me. It wasn't any fun either, cause I'm alone right now for 2 weeks, and I wasn't sure whether to go to the hospital or just wait it out. So, take your vitamins everyone, no matter what they are!!! I hope I don't go through that anymore cause I absolutely hate that sick feeling....I am on leave from my work right now for 2 weeks as well trying to work on my promotion before I leave here and move back to the states finally.
I will be there this time next year...I can't believe that I am hearing myself say that...It almost doesn't seem true.....That has been keeping me plenty busy, as well as my friends coming by and kidnapping me and we go all over just to ward off boredom...I got more of them hooked on going to Western World with me, so now it's even more fun than it was before...One of these times I will finally remember my camera and take pictures of all the good times we have....I have too much fun so everything just seems to fly by whenever that does seem to happen....I hope that everyone is enjoying this New Year 2010 (twenty-ten????!!!! just how are we supposed to say this anyways?!?!?) and that everything is working out. It's definately going better for me, and flying by much, much faster than I thought it would. I can hardly keep up with it. Well, guess I will take off now...I'm supposed to go and meet my friends for lunch tomorrow sometime, and I don't want to be the one holding everybody else up..... take care all, I got some awesome cd's to share on here when I can find the pics
of them!!!!!!! have a good night and stay warm if it's cold there like it is here!!!

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