Friday, January 15, 2010

Hi Happy Friday to everyone....I am finally getting caught up on everything else around me, so I can actually sit down and say a few things on here....I'm surprised at how fast this year is flying by...this month is nearly over...out in public they have been pushing Valentine's Day stuff since after New Year's....Last year just seemed to drag, and just wouldn't go away...I don't seem to stay clear of embarrassing situations I don't care what year it is... Yesterday, I go to get something, can't even remember now... but I go to get my money out and my

change thing opens and my change spills out all over everywhere under potted plants and bags of dirt and near a water drain....I couldn't pick it up fast enough since the ground was wet, but someone came along, and felt it was their obligation to take this upon themselves...I don't know how these things always happen to me, but wow, I tell them again to others, and they just don't seem to believe me or something....So okay, here's a hint...just leave me and my utter embarrassment to ourselves when something crazy like that that nobody else does seems to happen when I'm always does...I seem to have invented it or something....Some days I don't even want to leave the house, but when I do, I always give people a show... No wonder everyone always stares at me so much....This is my last weekend on being on my own...(cry cry cry...) I've had tooo much fun going around with my friends here every chance I got, or whenever we could mean....I met so many new ones, and had so much fun on my own...Uggghhh just I hated messing with the stupid trash...I've never had to do that ever, and what a mess it was me trying to get that thing out and fuss with trying to figure out tying it and it wouldn't and I ended up tearing the whole thing in half...I ended that real quick just getting those tie things where you put the end in the hole and pull it until it's tight and I was done.... I have no idea about that stuff so don't ask me or try and get me to even begin to start something like that on my own... I will do it my way and be done with it...I will be all next year on my own like this...not just for only 2 weeks...So I've gotten a taste of it how it will be...bllahhh maybe I will have really nice neighbors or something to take
that over for me....I sure don't wanna do it...We've hardly had any type of winter here at all, and it's already hot again...It's more like the middle of spring instead of the middle of winter like it is back home where everyone there still has snow, and some are possibly getting more...I feel bad about the earthquake that recently happened over in Haiti...I think I felt a small one not too long ago here, because everything just started rattling, and then just stopped...We get small ones like that on and off c
ause the windows start rattling and shaking, and then it just stops... I couldn't figure out what it was, and it's small earthquakes that happen over here like almost everyday in different parts of the island...I"ve experienced about 10 or 12 of them so far...just everything around me starts shaking and rattling, but nothing is moving it....It's very very weird if you've never been through that, and I haven't at
all... just big storms like tornadoes mostly....I don't like hearing about any of that no matter what part of the world it happens in...I am getting my camera ready today and tonight since I made plans with my friends over the weekend....I have completely forgotten it every single time I went anywhere since New Year's Eve and was so furious at myself. I had it every other time but the good times, and they never ever last long ever....

So I hope to get a few pics and hopefully video once I figure out how to work that...You're talking to someone who throws a fit over tying up a trash bag, I wouldn't be surprised if it takes me half the year to figure out the video part on that...Anyways!!! I've still got one more week of vacation to whooppeee for me....=) My work right now takes up too much of my time, so hopefully I won't

have to go through this after this year....I am still here, I just don't have a lot of time to be online like I used to...Just this year and I will be back to normal society and normal lifestyle without fences around everything....Can't wait can't wait can't wait...hmm also, is anyone else familiar with this song besides me?!?!? I absolutely love this song, and the lyrics are so just spine tingling it's indescribable...You just have to listen and read what they are saying to fully understand what I am talking about....I really miss music like this,compared to whatq is out there today... I was like a year old when this was popular, but of course I don't remember that time at all...I think it has quite a catchy tune to it for being so way back in the day...Okay, guess I will stop talking, before I talk my weekend away on here....take care everyone at least u know now that I haven't skipped the country even though that doesn't sound like such a bad idea...have a good weekend talk with u all soon...bye for now...xoxoxo

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