Wednesday, March 25, 2009

and it is Thursday here, not Wednesday!!! I am still fighting with this thing over the date!!=p Breakaway-Kelly Clarkson (American Idol 2000!!!!=) it gives u....=> how i feel about this place!!!! lol lol talk with u all soooonnnn!!!! xoxoxo

Only one more day of this week until the weekend...I simply cannot wait.....howdee everyone hope u all are doing fine and getting through this week okay....I am ready for this year to be over with, and spring just started a week ago.....I got in one of my moods today....I can't stand it here, I can't wait to leave, I want to be with my friends, and not this dumb place with people I don't even know, I don't belong on some nothing island caused by some overactive volcano hundreds of years ago, how I'm never coming back here once I leave here, and to make sure I warn everyone else that I know, not to come here either.....and there's probably a few more that I'm sure that I left out, but I've calmed down a lot more now than I was a little over 2 hours ago or so.....I've completely had it with this place and everyone that keeps getting thrown at me, that I don't care a thing about being around at all....I will never understand people and their over obsessive need thinking that they just absolutely have to have some gigantic dog living in an extremely small place....Two families that live in my building are like this, and anyone who isn't into the same junk they are, automatically has a serious much for young military brats in the 2o age range, cause they all act this good doesn't break my heart any that this people are so difficult to get along they made me mad, and guess everyone knows what's coming, I"m going to broadcast what they did to me on they both have these dogs, I don't want dogs, I don't want them around me, I don't want to clean up after them, or someone else's.....the huge ones are an even greater annoyance cause they never settle down ever, and always run and jump all over me, and then of course go and stick their nose ***right there*** and I just don't like any of it....hmm they came about 2007, a few months after we got here from Italy at the end of 2006....and then I started noticing they kept letting their dogs go and do their business in our front yard....I had my husband confront them about it, cause I have absolutely noooo patience for people like that, who think that you should agree with absolutely everything that they like, and if you don't, then you are on some kind of a mission for the devil or something......we get lied to, saying it wasn't them doing it, and I keep seeing this, and still it went on all of 2007, all of 2008, and each time would confront them, and get some lame answer denying everything, when both of these nobodies have dogs....We hire people to come and do our lawn, and I don't want them to come and want us to take care of that first before they want to do their work, and finally they hit a nerve with me a few days ago after coming home from my work, putting up with the jerks that I have to work with, and just never ever ever seem to go away......I come home to face not only that, but trash on the sidewalk, and that did it for me...I called the housing office here who put us there to begin with and reported them and all they could tell me, was that I would have to prove it in someway, see it myself, and then call them back, and they would send the Inspector out to give them a notice.... I'm not going to stand staring out a window waiting for a dog to come along and do its business just so I can see them in the act.... how irritating is that???? We just had a few leaves blowing around in the parking lot on our side, and got a notice for that, and I call and report them for doing this the last 2-3 years now, and still they take their side....This lifestyle should have never even been thought of, making people suffer like this who don't even care to be around such idiots in the first place....and also who I have to be around to work with, most are soooo much younger than me, it makes me wanna put my finger in my eye or something they are too annoying....I really hope this year goes much faster than it does sometimes, cause I don't know how much more of this that I can take.....nothing else is going on here of course....and I don't care a single thing about doing anything that actually is going on, cause there is always something here everyday of the year somewhere....if it's not here, it's at another place, and I am not the least bit interested in what goes on here.....not anymore at least, I've seen everything, I've done everything, so I'm done....ready to move on, time is just dragging too slow and it drives me crazy sometimes.....I am doing this on my break now, cause I just had to get a few things out since I can't say them to anyone here, it would end up in the chat room for our webpage they have which I never go to either by the way.....So I will have to finish it up with pics and everything else when I get home tonight....I just have about 2-3 hours at the most then I have to call it a day, so I'm hardly on here at all anymore....only few more months until my vacation, and I will be gone from this joint for a month.....I seriously can't wait....I'll still get to talk on here and to everyone cause I'll have my laptop by then and can keep in touch, so you all will still be able to hear from me!!! I'm just glad to be going to a big city and get the heck off this island, where I feel like everything is closing in on me....My flowers that I just did last week with my class, are starting to come up....after the huge chaos that went on, I'm glad everything still worked out....But I still have to put up with others that are younger than me, we have absolutely nothinggggggggg to talk about.....they want to sit and compare different sexual positions with each other, and laugh about it, and I want to have a normal conversation....I"m not exactly thrilled about being over here...cause all I have are my friends so I do what I can to stay in a good mood most of the time, but I definately have my moments at this place...I can't understand who would like it here..if that were the case with me, I would take up getting a Japanese citizenship, but I really don't care to begin with, so others whining about it asking me why I don't like it here isn't going to change anything....I miss my downtown back home sooooo much.....they are still adding and always having things there...I look at it on here, and it nearly makes me sick that I am having to miss all that...I will look for some pics on here, and put them on here so everyone can see what I"m talking was so much fun, and they had just finished the water canal with boats and bridges going over, to look like Venice, Italy, then that's when I had to move to Italy....also like a 30 screen theatre, and I can't even remember what else now....but they are always having things there outdoors like outdoor concerts and enormous New Years celebrations...I got to go to one right before I moved for good, and that will probably be my last, but we have nothing like that here....everything is in Japanese, for Japanese, and it only fits their interests mostly.....okay, I have some artwork to finish up, so I will be on here again tonight to put some pics on here and everything, and wish you all a good night before I go to bed.....hope everything is going okay for you all, and are having a good day....can't wait to talk with you all soon!!! take care!!!!! am thinking of you all!!!! xoxoxoxox

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