Thursday, March 12, 2009

hey there just thought I would drop by real quick to say hi and see how everyone is doing....sorry I can't be on here as much as I want to...I'm only on here about maybe 2 hours a night now if even that long....I've been keeping so busy, too busy infact that I'll be ready for a vacation most definately in a few months from now...Anyways, with something going on here every single day and night of the year somewhere, I don't even care anymore, so I love actually getting a moment to myself for once...I'm glad to be back on track finally on here, so I don't have to keep annoying myself and everyone else going back and forth to 3-4 months ago....hmm well my big weekend is over with, it came and went just as fast as I thought it would and it rained the entire time, except when we were leaving of course the sun came out...that doesn't surprise me, because it always does things like that here....which only makes bugs and everything else wanna come out more....i had that problem when we first got here, and couldn't stand it cause I don't like things crawling around on everything of the problem is those tiny ants that you can barely's very humid here, and even still warm with the sun out right around Christmas....just getting slammed into some temporary lodging facility, with a suitcase and maybe a few other bags, them taking my cats from me for quarantine and to be inspected blah blah blah and whatever else they want to do, doesn't really leave me in a very good mood....I noticed these tiny ants crawling in the place we were settling into, until we found a place to move in while being here, and thought it was just a one time thing, like when you see a spider or something.....nope...they were everywhere, even though it was extremely dim as everything else is over here, I have no idea what their problem is with having any light on really....these ants were crawling on the top of the bed, in the bed, on the floor, in the bathroom, across the kitchen sink, across the refrigerator there, in the couch, across the tv, all at different times....I couldn't stand this, cause I don't live this way, never have never will, don't know how they can get used to it...I called these people at the place we were staying and told them there was ants crawling all over the place, and when I woke up and found my stuff covered with them crawling on top, that was it....they would try and sound like it wasn't a big of a deal, or like it wasn't a concern, and came to spray that bug spray stuff and they were still there and I finally let them have it cause I couldn't take coming to a tropical nothing island and then have ants crawling all over everything I owned, which wasn't much until the rest of the shipment got over here to Japan from Italy which is about 3-4 months waiting period....So after I nearly melted the phone in half calling them about these stupid ants all over the place, they finally agreed to move us to a place across the street that was similar to the one I stayed at in the pics, just not split level with the stairs....more like a hotel with the elevator etc....etc....much better, but they sure took their time about it....I have no idea why this place has such an ant problem, they are everywhere here, in bathrooms, in restaurants, on the walls of places.....I don't have this problem thankfully, but it was very irritating coming here, and having to put up with that for about a week or so until they finally got sick of listening to me.....We have had nothing but rain for the past solid week here, and it brings out not only ants, but those huge snails with the hard shell that crawl really usually end up stepping on them and hearing a "crack" when you are walking really fast in the pouring down rain, and not paying much attention to the ground....I have done this I don't know how many times, and it sends shivers up my spine just cause it sounds so gross.....there's more to deal with since this is a tropical place, and so usually whatever stuff people can't stand, there always seems to be more of it over here....Anyways, just thought I would share that to let everyone know it was a total pain coming here and dealing with that, and let others get a laugh out of it how sick it sounds....I know that ants can't do anything, but just the thought of them crawling all over the place, and everytime you go to pick something up it is covered with ants just makes you want to scream it's so frustrating....well, guess I should end here, just wanted to stop by for a few minutes, but I know that never happens as much as I can get to talking.....hope everyone had a great week, and is ready for the weekend just around the corner....I know I am...=) take care everyone hope we get to talk soon.....xxxxxx

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