Monday, June 25, 2012


Still Loving it that I know how badly I can get to someone and enjoy every minute of it watching them squim in their pathetic skin cause they are too stuck up to say anything to me...I'm just wondering what I can come up with next the next time that I dare to go out here in the pathetic public here on base...NATIVE ALASKANS are fine, it's just everyone else here who is completely messed up and just plain I really feel sorry for people like that and am soooo thankful to GOD that we don't have to share the same house...they would drive me so crazy and make me so mad, that I'd most likely, burn down the entire house while they are sleeping just so I wouldn't have to put up or see them anymore...****** someone who is I'd say about middle school age, wrote this, and I was so so so impressed I just had to share*** "

Judgmental people, make me sick. He's gay? You assume he's completely different. She makes a mistake? She's stupid. Someone doesn't have an Iphone? They're poor. She put's on make up? She's a slut. He listens to Hardcore metal? He's emo. She's black? She's a terrorist. He likes riding scooters? he's a fag. She's got curves? she's fat. -I Hear this in everyday life. Everybody, take a look around y...ou. No body is perfect. Everybody is unique, & different in their own way, Everyone is human. Change your perspective on someone, and look for the good in them. Everyone has a beating heart, we all have two eyes,ears & one mouth, so use them properly. Instead of making someone feel horrible, how about you compliment them? Instead of watching that girl get pushed to the floor, how about you help her up & stick up for her. Because guess what? It's things like this, that can change a life decision. It's people like this that are despicable & ignorant. I've lost respect for alot of people due to this. All I'm saying, is look around, make a change & grow up. Okay, cool.*********

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