Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My day was interrupted again by STUPID PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! I can NOT stand mess, bugs, dirt, stuff thrown all over, trash laying all over the house, any of that...I clean all the time, and have a serious problem with germs like anyone else wouldn't believe...so this confused me so bad that I was in a daze for like the next 15 min. I didn't expect an EXTERMINATOR to come to our door this morning, but he did. Then asked was I the one who called about the ant problem...I about blew up cause I DO NOT put up with ants!!! not after what I went through over in rotten Japan!!!!!!!! I said over and over and over that we don't have ants, I clean all the time, I would never put up with ants, and if there were ants than they would be coming out every single day for 6 months if they had to until those things were gone cause I don't put up with ants!!! After a few phone calls, and asking if I was "Jessica" I blew up and yelled out that I wasn't a Jessica that I was SUZY,  and she must be one stupid $*(#@* for not even knowing her own address...I still can't help thinking that might have been a prank done by our wonderful neighbours since they hate me so much..so if that's how they want it..I think I'll wait about 6 months until all this is forgotten about before I make a call for them complaining about ROACHES and give their name and address...hope they like that one...OH DEAR GOD PLEASE GET ME AWAY FROM THESE IDIOT PSYCHOTIC PEOPLE...them moving soon doesn't sound so bad, but have no idea when they got here and I know they surely won't tell us...oh well hope they enjoy dealing with me now after that little stunt...

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