Friday, January 21, 2011

This to me would be: "Being Copied On Steroids..."

I still can't decide if this would be fun or not, being in a family that huge...I mean being one of the siblings, not the parents......I'm so used to being on my own, and doing everything whenever I want, when I want to, and not having to wait around on 19 other people, I think I would eventually go out of my mind....I've never heard of this ever....I couldn't stand so many people being around me all the time, and me not ever having any privacy....I see a lot of myself in them though...I hardly ever ever ever watch tv, and never play video games, but instead always doing work, or working on something to get better and better at it...When others see that, who can't do a single thing in life, I"m automatically hated, and so it goes on and on and on....I can't wait to get a permanent house so I can get an electric piano and play again without having to worry about being interrupted or told that we're leaving and have to go....I would never get a musical instrument now with all the moving around I'm doing every few years...They would wreck that in a minute and I would be throwing up from being so sick about it and not being able to do anything....I think I would only have a problem with others copying me like crazy and I would tell them to stop, and I'd get an argument......I think I'll keep my life just the way that I've been living it...I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I was thrown into something like that....And don't even get me started on the bathroom situation and being able to take showers....

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