Sunday, February 21, 2010

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I had a nice relaxing one, and am finally getting caught up on things where I don't have to be so rushed on everything like I was before...It's hard to figure out if I am coming down sick or not, cause it's hot, then it gets rainy and cold then hot again, like it was today again...Since it turned out kind of nice this weekend, there were street performances over on the corners where American Village is here. I watched a few of them until they started imitating scenes from Titantic, and I called it quits then and moved on. Sorry, but a 13 year old joke is only funny for so long, and then it just isn't funny anymore. I went to one of these 100 Yen Japanese shops here today. They are just like Dollar stores back in the states, and I had no idea they had them over in UK as well.. wow I learn something new everyday... here's a video from both of them so you all can compare and see what they are like, and what kind of stuff we have over here. It's fun just to go and look, or show everyone else cause it's not a common thing. I was completely lost the first time I saw one of these places, always having been around American things my whole life. That video on the cats my friend sent me it was too funny not to include on here...

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