Monday, April 1, 2013

    Now that I can see again on this again, maybe I can work again finally on this...It's really hard to believe that it's already April, and I"ve hardly done a single thing on here...Life goes on, and it's very sad to say that the ugly colors follow along as sight is still trying to adjust...So let's see, January, nothing, finished dreaded nutrition class,  (and I never want to hear another thing about nutrition classes ever ever again) too many died... February, still nothing heavy snow storms, sorry attitudes, March, winter hit all at once, snowing on and off, still not enough snow though, went out bare-footed and in tank tops and shorts in the snow storms cause it just felt so darn good after being in 120+ degree heat my whole life in different places but all scaulding hot hot hot climates...I climbed on top of a snow heap that the snow plows up here piled up from all the snow that had collected, and laid down in it and covered myself with solid snow where all you could see was my head alone...never felt so good, so freezing cold, and finally not sweating...hmm what else, my university everything, tried to go intertubing a few days ago, but it was soooo dry, you would stop in the middle of the hill and had to push yourself down....We went only 2 times then called it it's a 6 month wait until the heavy snow comes I'll be waiting for the sun to go away again...Let's see,  Passover & Easter Holiday most favourite holiday of the entire year besides Hanukkah and Christmas...and wouldn't you know it, some sorry soul had to come along and ruin it for me of course...I really really reallllllyyyyy miss my synogugue and my Lifechurch back home...going in person...I wish that I could bring them here, or they would extend to up here...I can at least get them online but still not the I have to settle for what I get forced at me here with who I'm surrounded by every minute of my life now...they ruined my Easter, I felt like I had gone back in time about 50-60 years, it felt more like a funeral than an actual happy celebration...yes I will spare the details cause somehow it's always my fault on whatever happens...yes...I love the place (Alaska) just not the people I'm stuck with...native Alaskans rock, everyone else...forget it...small gathering after Easter services, too many people crowded all together, and I have no idea what is the deal with people I don't even know coming up behind me, but as I was getting VERY HOT WATER for hot chocolate, someone comes up behind me and plows into me full force, knocks me forward, and knocks the breath outta me...and after that I was done...done with everyone there, done with everything, done done done, just done...that is why I go out in Anchorage to find my activities, I just can't take these people I have to live around...I'm still feeling that and it's been almost a full 24 hours...yes I have an extreme low tolerance for people and their constant b.s. after being in Japan for 4 years...the nightmares have finally stopped after 6 years, but the irritation and hostily attitude and smart mouth of mine are here to stay it looks like...I'm thinking a few weeks on my Alaskan Cruise all over Alaska, and up to Canada, for a few weeks, and then on the train again all over Alaska in another month will cheer me up in no time since I will get to travel again, and not just be stuck in one place...which drives me out of my mind if anyone couldn't tell...yes that is what an island will do to you...I don't even live on one anymore, and I still can't sit still...then my university starts up again, and I graduate in another year...this first part of the year just takes forever to get over let the fun begin cause this slow stuff just isn't cutting it...

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