Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Holidays everyone I miss u all. I"m sooo sorry my Internet at home is completely down right now. I'm not able to get it to work at all, and this one is pretty slow as well. Well, I'M DONE. An entire 3 weeks of total sacrificing my evenings and personal life to a class, and then freaking out about my final tonight, and I'm done. I got a surprise though, a 5 page final was thrown out, and me and the rest of my class was automatically certified after showing how dedicated we were. Me esp. cause I can't take it anymore and was going to get through whatever they suggested to me to go through, I didn't care if it halfway killed me. I missed Christmas parties and everything just to get through that, and finally I'm done. And I don't even have internet at home now to tell anyone else or keep talking about it.
I'll be without internet for about 6 days until they can come next week. Yes, I got them before the holidays, can you all believe it???!@?!? I'm tooo happy now. I can go to my work Christmas party without worrying about trying to get through a class, wondering if I passed or not. I completely hate that feeling. I'm just glad it's over, that's the best Christmas present so far. It's really hard to believe that this time next week is Christmas Eve. wow. I finally made it to the end of this year without loosing my mind. I'm still sane and can speak English where it's understandable to everyone else. Now that all that's over with, I can get back to a normal lifestyle and have my evenings back again. How nice that will be since it's getting cold here again, and all it's doing is raining. This is winter here for us. That's all the winter that we get here, but I love it. I should have my computer back next week, but I guess until then I'll be coming here. I hope everyone is doing great and enjoying the holidays. Nothing can kill my glory now, I'm too happy... miss you all don't think that I ran off, this happens several times a year here... Annoying doesn't even cut it anymore how it makes me feel... Anyways, have a good day/night everyone stay safe...Again, I AM DONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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