Wednesday, November 12, 2008

hey hi is everyone one doing?? wow, this week is totally flying by for me like's nearly over with and I can't believe that Christmas is coming up faster than I expected it would....A huge, huge WELCOME to all the new friends I've made this last week on, I can barely keep up with all of u now!!! thanks for everything u send me on here so much....I appreciate it greatly and it really makes my day to know just because I"m so far away from everyone else, I'm not forgotten about!!!!! I hope you all enjoy my homepage on here, and it will be a way of somehow bringing us closer together.... hmm well I have just been preparing for fall mostly, putting up fall decorations mostly when and where I can, only so much you can do with a front porch that you have to share....and also somewhat getting ready for Christmas....trying to get gifts finished in time to send out before the end of this month is over with since they decided to put a deadline on us to mail everything....So, from my friends to my photographer, I'm trying to get gifts done furiously, which I know deep down in reality probably will not happen in the end anyways, because I am only one person and I have like 14+ things staring at me in the face...hmmmm hope no one will mind anything after the New Year then...I want to get holiday pictures made since it's been awhile, and I haven't had any done since Italy, and before that whenever I left the states for good... so I hope there is not any kind of copyright and I will be able to post them on here someway...I really do not change much at all, but I keep being asked over and over for my pics to be on here, so there is a holiday offer going around for that, so I couldn't help not wanting to do it...Well, I guess not very many have seen what a bowling alley in Japan looks well this is one....You have to go through here to get to the arcade on one end, then on the opposite end, there is an ice-skating rink, which feels soooo sooooo good after being in 100+ degree heat every single day in the summertime....It was interesting getting to walk through one of these finally, just to see how they are different etc, from the ones back in the states....pretty much the same I think, except for more decorations and colors everywhere....I"ve still yet to go to one of the Japanese movie theatres over here to see what it's like going to a movie off-base...I'm glad they offer ones in English here, just curious to see what it would be like to go to one is all...even if it is for one time....I don't think I'll ever be too hot on any of their restaurants here ever, I don't care what they do to them, but everything else seems to be okay.... well, I suppose I'll end this here, and let u all get back to whatever it is that you were doing before you decided to stop by here...(many thanks again!!!!!!!) hope everything is going well for you all and hope u have fabulous days ahead of you!!! I look forward soooo much to talking to each and everyone of you!!! do take care!!! enjoy the rest of your week what is left of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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