Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Friendships Mean Everything!!!!!!!!

One of my friends off facebook (who lives here in the same state as me) invited me to a conference over the weekend...I can't go of course cause my whole entire weekend is booked solid through Sunday night, and the regular week hasn't even ended yet...So I'm thrilled to be making other friendships, and getting totally rid of the negative people in my life...Don't like the negative comments, or hearing them complain every minute...It totally ruins my mood, my day, just my everything and I've been in a way better mood than I usually am on Thursday nights when I come home from class...Not one of my college classes, it's just a class I take for fun, just an outlet for something to do other than studies....I was curious about that, and looked up books about it on here, and found sooo many that I want to get a few of them for Christmas...Ones called like "The Two-Legged Snake" talking about manipulative people, mostly how they go to these social events, and want all the attention and everything else turned to them, "Who's Pulling Your Strings??" exactly what I say all the time, and my responce to people when they try and tell me what to do, I tell them I'm not a puppet....Yes I feel very strongly about that someone coming to something and treating it like their own personal therapy session...These girls did that in my Psychology class back at my other college...The whole entire time all they talked about was their pregnancy experiences, and just cause I didn't join in, they had a problem with that...Uhhh NEWS FLASH BITCHES.....IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO TALK ABOUT A "PREGNANCY EXPERIENCE, YOU HAVE TO HAVE ALREADY GONE THROUGH A PREGNANCY TO SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH OTHER PEOPLE....IF YOU HAVEN'T, THEN YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT CAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW THE EXPERIENCE, AND PERSONALLY, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW....So I'm done with people trying to take over small parts of the world at a time, they might not like it, but hey, I don't like it either...everyone is entitled to have an opinion good or bad, and I have no problem making friends if people hollar at me all the way across the parking lot to get my attention just to come over to talk with me.....Don't let others out there manipulate you and take over cause that is exactly what they will try and do, esp. if they are starved for attention!!!!

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