Sunday, November 29, 2009

this is for everyone who was in the train wreak that happened over in Russia. I feel so bad, I just don't know what to say.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I went to go and see this movie tonight. Another night of standing in line waiting to get into the movie theatre. Not really for me, but still it was good I thought. I seemed to do nothing this holiday weekend but stand in line for I don't know how long to get to see the most popular movies playing. Oh well, at least I can say that I saw them now...

Friday, November 27, 2009

sorry, I just HAD to do first one is the best one, but the rest are just something to laugh at, and oh believe me I did...) Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate this holiday....enjoy the rest of all this awesome time off!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

LOL this is how it always was back home because absolutely nooooooooooooooooo one (mostly me!!!!!!!!!!!!) could ever ever ever ever EVER agree on anything!!! and with miserable family all around who didn't really get along or like me to begin with anyways, it only made matters worse!!! soo glad to be outta that I really don't miss it at all!!!! it's sooo much more nicer spending the holidays with my groups of friends now!!!! this was too funny to pass up...which just gave me an idea...I wonder what cakes for Thanksgiving might have turned up on that one think I'll go and have a look lol 101 Things to be Thankful matter what.... 1.Accomplishing Goals-When I decide that I want to do something, then I am pretty much stuck on doing it.. I never ever dreamed that I would actually be living overseas in other countries and getting to experience the lifestyle how they live day to day. It has been a real eye opener.

2. Being able to be many people are filled with so much anger and hatred these days, and no matter what is going on, they always think they are right. I am very grateful that I don't have this attitude, and know when to step down and just let the other person believe they are right, just to keep an argument from blowing up. There is nothing that I can't stand more than constant fighting.

3. For God creating me-even though I even know I can be extremely difficult at times, and just plain hair raising frustrating, I'm glad that He still puts up with me and gives me an inner peace inside that I know won't ever go away.

4. For my Friends-no matter who they are, or where they are, I can always talk with them, and they always totally and completely understand me. There isn't any weirdness between us no matter how long it's been, or if English isn't their first language. We always find something to talk about, and always have great times together. Please remember no matter where you are in the world, or where ever I end up, that I will always be your friend no matter what our differences are, so that you will never walk alone.

5. Animals-I've had them in my life since I was born, and I have no idea what I would do without them. I'm crazy over anything small and furry, domestic, and also that is wildlife.

6. My cats I got from Italy-I had just moved from the United States, and was completely ALONE in an Italian hotel. Everyone else went to work, and I was just "there." I didn't know anything about this lifestyle, didn't have my computer or any of our things from the states since it takes 3 months to arrive, and I was about to go out of my mind. Italian tv just didn't cut it for me since I had no idea what they were saying. I had to get out of that place, and went full force on finding a house, and that is when I found the cats that I have now. They were so much company and they really made things better until I figured out more what to do and finally went to work. They are very precious to me and the greatest souvenirs I could have gotten while living in Italy.

7. Camping!!!! Yes, I know that sounds crazy coming from me, but I don't mean it for myself. I mean for the ones who actually go camping, and leave more spaces and places vacated so that I can enjoy the nice hotel rooms with plush carpets, indoor pool and jacuzzi, glass elevators, fountains, indoor plumbing, a place to take a hot shower!!!! electricity, normal restaurant, room service, bed with blankets and pillows, color tv with cable and a remote, and so much more that I can't even think of. Without all that, I would be completely miserable honestly. Oh, and I need a place to be able to plug my hair straightener in.

8. My books-without them, I don't know what I'd do, or where I'd be. I look at others who don't read at all, and can't help feeling sorry for them in some strange way. I'm always always reading something, and my friends are lending me things to read or me lending them books to read as well. We have a full enjoyment of it, and just can't get enough of it. I love getting lost in something that I would love to be apart of sometimes, just to forget everything that is happening around me, or what is happening in the world at the time.

9. Music-with so much sadness in the world, it's great to be able to turn on any song possible and immediately feel better. I love all kinds of music, as I'm sure everyone who actually reads this has noticed. I always have it going, am talking about it, or am looking for new types of music trying to get my hands on it. It's an awesome release whenever I have no idea what else to say, or something is completely out of my hands.

10. Getting to Travel to all these amazing foreign countries-I'm glad that I've had the opportunity to start young and still have an interest in this area to continue. It's been unbelievable getting to see France, Italy & Switzerland whenever I was only 16 years old, Canada, live in Italy for 3 years, travel to Austria, Hungary, Romania, Germany, Slovenia, and go on all kinds of little weekend trips in between that. What gorgeous countries and all unique and different in their own way. I absolutely loved these experiences and will always cherish the memories.

11. Going to College-I'm glad that I was fortunate enough to get to go to college to complete my area in Travel & Tourism/Hospitality. What an exciting and rewarding area that hardly anyone ever thinks about, but at some time we all have to do it to get to where we are going. No one ever really thinks of that as a job, but yes, it is. I'm glad that I get to experience places as I go along, so whenever I do end up working in this one day, that I will be able to share my experiences with people along the way who know absolutely nothing about these unforgettable places.

12. Standing on the tops of mountains-and getting to see the world all around me from a distance not many get to experience. I did this in while visiting Hawaii, before I had to move to Italy. That was my last "big" trip in the United States before I had to leave there for good. It was so high up, it made every one's ears close up since it was several hundred feet above sea level. It was so incredible to be able to do something like that, and also in Italy, standing on the mountains and looking over at everything where we lived and that entire small thumbnail town that's how small it was. At least to me coming from a big city, it was great to get to experience this since I had never lived around mountains ever.

13. Being able to laugh at the "Little Things"-no matter what it is really, I tend to find it funny, and not take everything so serious like so many people around me here do. That's what politics are for you know, so not me.

14.Having A Job-and being able to get whatever I want whenever I want it. So many people are without work these days, and can't do anything and do nothing but struggle from day to day. I feel really bad for them, and it only makes me thankful to have a job to call my own, and other job offers coming in so that I can just take my pick of what I want. It's really a good feeling.

15. For Having Natural Red Hair!!-I'm usually the only one in the room who does, but it sure makes me stand out from everyone else!!!!

16. For American Movies In English!!!!-I've tried to watch other movies in other languages from other countries, and I just couldn't do it!! I couldn't understand anything they were saying, and they subtitles in English were nothing but totally annoying. It was out of sync, and didn't match up at all, and I found myself getting extremely bored with it whatever it was in just a few minutes. I'm glad that Hollywood is able to make movies to entertain the world, and it captures every body's interest.

17. Art and having the talent to do it-I love any kind of Art, I'm always doing it, working on it, talking about it, or trying to think of a new art piece to come up with so that I can show everyone else around me. Not many know how talented I am at art until they actually see my work, and I am more than happy to show it off!!! I also love visiting art museums and seeing famous works or art that have been around for centuries. Just any kind of art, you can't go wrong with it whenever I get around it!!!!

18. The fact that I don't smoke-this is a very unhealthy habit, and I'm all about health. I'm glad that I was taught at a very young age that this isn't good for your insides and that it only causes problems and eventually death. I'm glad I've never had this desire ever!!!

19. Knowing when to walk away from something whenever I am not happy--it doesn't matter what it is you know, whether it is a friendship that is causing me to be upset constantly over their boisterous, or arrogant attitude towards me, or a job that I have just grown to hate. I know when to sit down and think things out to myself or talk them out with someone on what I need to do, and then carry it out whatever it is that I decided. Sometimes it's a hard decision, but that is what life is all about is moving on and making constant changes.

20. Good Health--Knock on wood. This should probably be way at the top of the list, but I'm really not writing this in any particular order. I still have my moments of getting sick on and off, and I'm glad anything that I have suffered from in the past is over with.

21.The fact that I know what it's like to have stitches and don't desire to have them again!!!!! sooo no more climbing on top of my desk reaching and trying to rearrange my posters and New Kids on the Block ones!!! I don't even have that anymore, but I think everyone can take a guess what happened..(my desk toppled over with me on top of the thing and I busted my chin full force on the corner of my desk that faces the wall never again did I have the desire to climb on anything, and still don't!!!!!)having six stitches in my chin didn't feel too good!!!

22.That I had braces whenever I was younger so that I don't have to have them now!!!-whoever has ever gone through being forced to wear those nasty disgusting ugly looking braces on their teeth are the only other ones who can actually feel my pain on this one. I had to wear those nasty things for 3 solid years with everything that goes along with having braces, and I hated every minute of it. Somehow, I was ahead of everyone else, so I was the only one who had them, which only made me feel even more super weird than I already was. I'm glad that my parents put me in them then, because if they didn't, I would have to be going through that now, and paying for all that myself!!!! And orthodontists aren't exactly cheap!!!!

23.The Seasons-having lived here in Okinawa, Japan, has really really made me come to appreciate each and every season in its own time. Over here, we just have summer fall and spring. We don't' have winter at all. I miss seeing the snow and ice, and having what is considered a "normal" Christmas with decorations all over town, and cold weather. I never thought that I would miss that, but really I do. I can't wait to be around all 4 seasons again after here.

24. Mexican and Italian food-my most favorite in the entire world, I can't give it up no matter where I'm at, or who I'm around. And as picky as I am on everything, I'm really surprised that I even have a preference to begin with. And neither one of these is that common over here, everything is disgusting sushi and soups, and I don't touch anything Japanese I don't care how much I'm harassed about it!!!!

25.Snow--I miss it really I do. I was in Budapest, Hungary, and the snow was past the car doors, and I just went out in it and threw myself down in it, and just laid there for the longest time with snow still coming down all around. It was a great feeling, and it felt soooo good to be in cold. Italy had been burning hot that summer, and we didn't have air conditioning in our house there. I've hardly been around snow at all, so it felt completely sensational.

26. Sunshine--without it, the world would be dark. It lights up the world, and separates day from night. it feels so good on your skin whenever it is not too hot, and just warm enough to give you a "feel good all over" feeling.

27. The sound of rain-we get it here on occasion, and I love how it sounds, since it seems to come down harder here with us being surrounded by the Ocean. I love watching it, and hearing it hit the roof and my windows whenever I'm trying to go to sleep at night, or just spending a day inside. It's a familiar comfort that I never get tired of.

28. The Ocean-I love to look at it, smell it, walk in it, watch it, be around it, talk about it, fly over it,swim in it, live by it, eat what lives in it, snorkel in it, go boating in it, just anything possible. watching the moonlight bounce off of it at night, or just sit and stare at it and think of all kinds of things that I think everyone will always wonder about at some point in their life.

29. World Globes-as much as I love the world and all the different countries in it, I can never get enough of just sitting looking at a world globe. turning it, looking where all these different countries are located at, and how far they are from me, just amazes me it all fits on this one planet. I never get tired of looking at one, I love sharing my thoughts and interests about it, and discovering smaller countries and islands I never seemed to notice before. I always seem to find something new.

30. The family I met while in Pisa, Italy I gave 5E to--I was visiting Pisa, Italy and was with a couple others since I don't ever know my way around anywhere to save my life, and noticed a family just sitting on the sidewalk watching everyone pass by. They were in front of all the food booths and souvenir places, and looking at everyone walk by carrying huge shopping bags of things they had gotten, when they didn't have anything. It gave me a knot in my stomach, and without thinking twice I went over and just handed them 5 euro. I don't think they could speak a word of English, but that said plenty right there, and I was glad that I did it.

31. Sleep--it feels sooo good after working all day, or after an exhausting day of just having plain ole' fun. It always seems to be too short though, doesn't it???

32. Open Air Markets-I went to them allll the time in Italy. I could walk to one in the town that I lived in while in Italy, and it was so nice and peaceful, cause it was in the mornings, and no cars were zooming by, and no one was out really. I loved the walk and just enjoying the surroundings, and seeing how different the Italian homes and yards were from the American ones that I was always around, and the one that I grew up in. I absolutely LOVE those, and could never get enough of them, and I miss them so much now, cause they don't have those over here at all in Japan.

33. My computers-ahhhh JUST WHERE WOULD I BE WITHOUT THEM!?!?! I wouldn't have anyways to keep in contact with anyone outside this island, and I really do think that I would go outta my mind honestly. It's so nice to log in day or night, and always have someone to talk with, no matter what it is. It really makes it easier being here.

34. For wildlife adoption-with all the wildlife going extinct by the minute each and everyday, I'm glad that there are programs out there which allow you to adopt any kind of wildlife that you want to and make it your own (through the mail of course!!!!) and you can make sure that your animal is taken care of by your donations. It's a comforting way since these animals can't defend themselves from humans with all what they do to them. (some things I don't even want to know that's how awful they are.)

35. Sanitation workers-and just where would we be without them?? what a nasty mess our cities and towns would be if no one kept the trash in order. something that not too many like to think about, esp. me but glad some people are willing to do that!!!!!!

36. Entertainers and Performers-I've went to so many shows all the time whenever I was back in the states and absolutely loved them all. I'm glad that there are people who are brave enough to get up there on a stage in front of hundreds, thousands of people and perform their hearts out without being the least bit embarrassed or scared to death. I on the other hand, wouldn't even make it past the side of the stage. So I'm happy there are others out there who love doing this and it doesn't bother them the least little bit.

37. That I went out for modeling and made it in!!!!just like going for anything else, you have to be accepted into this as well. My parents absolutely would not let me do it at all whenever I was younger no matter how much I begged them half to death. I finally got old enough to go to work on my own, and did it on my own and paid for it myself to go through it and everything. I made it all the way through, and had the graduation ceremony and it was a complete blast. I met some really amazing people while doing this, and we had such fun times together. I hope to pick back up on it again one day once I get back to the states.

38.Digital Cameras-let's see, I think I have about 4 different ones now. If I wasn't so stuck on color, then these kinds of things wouldn't happen. But anyways, my pink digital camera I love. I can take all the pictures that I want, and always have it with me, and I don't have to waste all kinds of money on getting my film developed. It's the best invention since the Internet was thought of.

39. My Hello Kitty collection-I don't care how old I get, I won't ever give this character up!!! I think I got everything from A-Z with something that has Hello Kitty on it. I know there is plenty being said about me since I am stuck on this character that is for little kids, but honestly, I don't care. I'm not reporting to anyone on what I like or don't like and them giving me permission whether I can like it or not. So to each his own, I'm stuck on Hello Kitty for life!!!

40. That I finally got to see my Twilight Saga "New Moon" movie!!! This opened here on Thanksgiving Day, a week after that it was released in the states. I've waited since the beginning of this year 2009 for this movie to come out. I went to see it last night (Friday), and waited in line for 3 straight hours. I had noooo idea that this many people were this crazy over a book series and willing to give up an entire evening of theirs (like I was) just to see the movie that goes along with the book. So 5 solid hours at the movies, can't think of a better way to spend a Friday night wanting to see a romance that everyone only wishes that would happen to them. I'm glad that I'm not the only one in the entire world who has such wishful thinking. ( I hope everyone has figured out by now that I couldn't complete this whole thing in one day!!!)

41.My Embroidery-I started playing around with it whenever I was about 11, and then got frustrated because I was so young etc. etc. then I picked back up on it either in high school or right after and I taught myself anything that I didn't know. I'm glad that I did, because I have made so much that it decorates my whole entire house, so my walls are never bare and boring. I'm glad that I took an interest in this at such a young age even though it's not very popular these days.

42. All my Decorated Bags!!!-I am never without a bag no matter what it is that I have to do!! Not one of them is plain and solid, everyone of them has some decoration or picture or something else all over them. At least I never have trouble telling which one is mine from everyone else's.

43. Going up the Leaning Tower of Pisa-I got to visit the extraordinary momunment twice while I was fortunate to live in my dream country, Italy. I went up both times without even thinking about it, and it was so much fun. I couldn't believe that I was inside something centuries old that I had only seen pictures of in books before and heard talked about. The steps were so old on the inside there were dents in them, and this is a marble structure. That's a lot of people who have been up and down this!!! I did my best on hugging it, but my arms wouldn't reach all the way around. I'm grateful that I got to visit this instead of just talking about it like most people in the world keep doing.

44. Seeing Rome-This place honestly was so magnificent and perfect, it looked like a movie set. It was simply breath-taking. I couldn't stop staring at everything that was still intact from even before the time of Christ. That's pretty magnificent. I absolutely loved all the statues there, as big as cars, or bigger, fountains with a meaning behind them, and getting to see the Roman Colluseum. Everything that I had only heard about growing up I was getting to see with my own eyes, and it honestly gave me unexplainable chills.

45. The Moon and the Stars-without them, the sky would be a pitch black nothing, and pretty darn boring I think. I love laying back at night sometimes outside and just looking at all the millions and billions of stars there are out there, and knowing that my friends all over the world see the exact same ones. They're all pretty amazing to look at, and make wishes on as well.

46. The kindness of strangers who actually speak to me-this wasn't a problem back home, where people were actualy nice. Here, that is extremely rare, because everyone always goes around mad all the time over whatever it is they are mad at. I really miss that open friendliness and people just coming up to talk to me for no reason at all, other than to talk or to ask me something, or the other way around. That is hard to explain to people if they have never been around it, but it leaves you with a really good feeling.

47.Aquariums -I've been to the one here in Okinawa I don't know how many times. Still, whenever I go, I consider it absolutely breath-taking. It's so enormous, and built with such utter intelligence. I'm not the only one who feels this way either. People come from all over the world, and just sit for an entire day standing and staring watching the fish and whales swim back and forth slowly, never taking their eyes off them. I know there are more of these in the world, but I have never lived anywhere where they have them, until now, so I'm very grateful that I got this opportunity. It's really an undescirable experience.

48. Memories-good ones and bad ones. I like thinking back on them and how some were so much fun and enjoyable but will never happen again. Also funny ones that made me laugh so hard until my insides hurt and I thought I was going to die. It's fun to chat with friends about times we had together as well whenever we were younger and look back on times that will never be repeated.

49. My Adventures-I'm living my dream traveling the world. What more can I say to that?? It's a slow process of course, but I'm glad that I just decided to pick up and leave everything that I was familiar with back home and do it. Not many are willing to do that. I love the ones that I have already had in the past, and the ones to look forward to in the future. They get me so excited my mind never stops racing on planning more.

50. Hard Times-they've truly made me a stronger and better person. Having to leave the United States and move to an unknown foreign country was the hardest thing that I've ever had to do in my entire life. No one else knows what this feels like unless they experience it themselves. I'm really glad that I made friends to help me through these times, because I honestly didn't know what I was in for.

51.Scented Candles-I love them, I fill my house with them and just let all the different smells mix together whenever I'm here at home. I can't get enough of all the different scents that there are in the world, and in nature, and love the fact that I can bring them indoors with me.

52.Old Navy-my most favorite clothing store on earth. considering how I always order online from them, I would think they know me pretty darn well by now. I love the styles, colors, different ideas for everything they come up with, and that I still have access to them over the internet. Ahhh just where would we all be without the internet!?!?

53.Dr. Pepper-I'm grateful to the guy for coming up with my Dr. Pepper drink by just mixing a bunch of different fruit flavors together and eventually coming up with this awesome drink. I've loved it since I was a kid, and seem to love it even more now that I'm grown up. I'm glad that it has lasted this long, considering how some pop,(soft drinks, whatever you are used to calling carbonated drinks where you live, I always end up calling it pop,) only lasted a few years or even short months. I'm tooo grateful to have a drink that I love and that I can call my own.

54. My Pink Laptop, Digital Camera and Video Camera-one thing these three different items all have in common is that they are all pink, and no one else will want to touch them because of that. LOL LOL they are all great items with just my video camera having Hello Kitty on the outside. I managed to just keep it down to one Hello Kitty item on the electronic devices, but still as long as it has the cute factor going for it I really don't care what it is. lol

55. Upcoming Christmas Parties!!!!the ones that I actually plan to go to, but really sometimes they are pretty fun, and create excellent memories that will never happen again.I love all the different decorations and different themes for each one. There's always an enormous Christmas tree in the middle of the room almost touching the ceiling. I haven't had a Christmas tree for these entire 6 years, so I love being around one whenever I can.

56. Transportation-without it, none of us would have any way at all to get around from one place to another in our own cities or towns, or halfway across the world. Me, being so obsessed with always wanting to take some kind of a trip, I definately wouldn't know what I would do if airplanes weren't ever thought of to fly all across the oceans. And besides, it sure beats walking all over.

57. Colored Pens-whoever it was who thought of making ink in different colors to write in was a complete genius in my opinion. If whoever it was didn't come along and think of this, I would just be stuck always forever writing in blue and boring black ink. Yes, I know that's what is required on forms and work stuff, but any other that isn't work related like to friends or just for plain ole decorating, it's the absolute best. I couldn't catch my breath for a few minutes whenever I found the colored ones that they added glitter to.... now that had me all smiles for I don't know how long. LOL

58. People out there who actually wanna read what I write on here-honestly, I don't think what I say is all that interesting, and I find it to be quite boring most of the time, but I"m glad that there are others out there who find it entertaining, and enjoy it.

59.Nail Polish!!!-without it, blahhh my nails would look so awful and disgusting I think. even if I do happen to just wear the clear kind on my fingers. If it had never been invented, I wouldn't even have that. I'm glad it was though, and that I am forever changing it. Just another reason to go and wear open toed shoes...

60. Turning Heads when I go out-uggghhhhh as embarrassed as I get over this, yes it still happens, and I can't stand it, but I'm glad to know that I attrach attention in a positive way, even though whoever these people are never ever even speak a word to me. I just can't stand being stared at is all!!!!

61. Italian Music-I love going to an Italian restaurant here in the middle of Japan and having Italian background music playing and feeling like I'm all the way back in Italy again. I have no idea what they're saying, but I'm glad that I lived there long enough to pick up words. Things like "That's Amore!!!" ("That's Love!!!") only puts me in a better mood if I already wasn't in one already going to get my Italian fix for the week.

62. Rainy days- I love knowing the world around me is getting watered. Rainy days are also a great excuse to curl up with a blanket and a good book, or just sleep the whole day away. Nothing else spells out comfort to me like a wet rainy day where I don't have to do anything.

63.Michael Jackson-the first popstar I was ever really crazy about before it finally hit me full force once I got a little older. I think his music, movie, statue and so much more say it all. I don't even know what to say it's just so overwhelming how greatly talently he was.

64. for the frog incident back in Italy!!everyone finds this hard to even believe when I tell it...I had just been talking about frogs and things like that with someone I worked with, and I said that I never had seen them there, not even once. I get home, and open the door, and this frog just comes out of no where and starts hopping in the house all the way to the bottom of the stairs. I wouldn't go near the thing, but wow it sure made up for a funny story since we had just been talking about that, and how I just happened to finally see one after all.

65.Total Quiet!!!-I am around noise so much, that I consider it a complete and total blessing to get home where it's nice a quiet. I don't have to listen to anyone else's constant talking or just making annoying noise. I can put on any of my music that I want to, and not have to hear anyone else complain how they don't like that etc. etc. Another fabulous and famous reason to live on my own!!! I Love my peace and quiet tooo much!!!!!

66. Horseback Riding-love it, love it, love it, and I can't wait to get to do it again back in the states. They don't have that over here at all. Not on an island over here by Japan. I loved everything about this, going as fast or as slow as I wanted to, and not having anyone getting in the way of it. It's a great feeling, and I really wish I could do it more often than I've gotten to. Still a great opportunity to try even for a short time.

67. Modern day birth control!!-lol ahhhh need I say more??!?!?!

68. Movie Theatres-I love the experience of "just going" to these. They are so much fun, even if I'm not familiar really with what I"m seeing, I love going to ones that are modernized and big enough for more than 20 people to fit in. (remember I don't do the small town anything, bigger is better, always.)

69. Love!!-should I even say it?!?!) I love the feeling of it, I love how it's expressed among friends, I love the "feel good all over" feeling it gives you. It's a lot better feeling than most of the other ones that are out there. It's really hard to put this into words really I think...

70. The Fact that I'm not ASIAN!!!!!"Are You Asian, and Don't Want to Be??!?!" This was probably the most funniest thing that I saw regarding anything associated with Japan or any of these other Asian countries this year. I know everyone has their own opinions about things, so this one is mine!!! They have been pretty rude to me ever since I arrived in this very unknown country to me. I'm glad that I'm not just stuck on this one and only country when there are so many to choose from in the world, and to go and visit. And don't even get me started on this nautious looking food stuff here. I already can't stand most things anyways. heck, I won't even touch ketchup whenever most people in the world think they can't live without that stuff...

71. For this commercial/jingle!!(does anyone else remember this????!?! I was about 2 years old I think whenever they were still playing it on tv. too bad they don't promote things like this anymore, which includes the whole world together...)and the other one is just plain cute...


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Only one more day this week, and then starts our long holiday weekend...someone I feel like it's practically a complete joke and I just need someone else to tell me that we are actually at the end of the year, that 2009 will be over with in a little over 30 days, and that I will finally be outta this hateful place in 12 months....for good...hopefully by then or before then I'll finally stop getting the head tilt from people asking me why I don't like it here, and that I should like it here and be out enjoying it....hmm's my philosophy...don't bug me about this stupid place or try to talk me into liking it cause my mind is made up completely through and through...I enjoy this place just about as much as me or anyone else would sitting watching a movie and licking on toothpaste instead of having there... (I know, lol lol) I'm too sarcastic for anyone over here I don't still don't think they can handle me no matter how hard they that the holidays are here, I'm pretty convinced that time will start flying by even more....I'm glad the hot weather is over and done with until about 4 months before it picks up it's just rain rain rain... and I couldn't be happier....hmm has anyone else heard about all these accidents happening with trains?? kind of scares me since I am around them more now than I was back in the states....ugghhh I'm running late again so I gotta fly enjoy your day everyone stay safe okay...ciao but not for good...=)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I went and saw this movie tonight, and it was incredible!!! I loved it and can't wait until it's released on dvd...awesome awesome music, ever greater special 3-d effects, I was hypnotized the entire time...can hardly wait until mine comes out here next weekend over Thanksgiving break....hope everyone is having a great weekend...only one more stinking month of 2009 left...I'm so ready I'm never going to stop celebrating all throughout next year....

Friday, November 20, 2009

Only one more week for us over here in Japan!!! too frustrating whenever the rest of America gets to enjoy everything first before me!!!!!!!!>=( too unfair for words!!!!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

I had one of these growing up!! I can't believe that they are still out there!!! wow!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009