Sunday, March 21, 2010

hi everyone, Happy Sunday to you... I hope yours has been a bit better than mine...Sorry I won't be on tonight, I had a major catastrophe just happen not too long ago...It makes me sick to even think about it...I spend the whole day cleaning and organizing since it is springtime again, and the spring cleaning thing kicked in for me...I did that all day longgggggggg, I finally managed to corner my cats and grab them up to give them a bath.. They had developed dandruff from it being hot in the winter months and I was not standing for that...I got through that okay, they didn't like it, but they are used to it by now, and don't even try to fight with me anymore, since they know I am always the one who will win....I let them go after I was done, and one of them wants to get me back and gets right in the middle of my bed all over clean laundry that I still had to put away, and then gets on the side that I sleep on alll wet....I am having to do everything over now on my bed, and the laundry that I already had done and just had to put away.....I don't want to sleep in a wet spot that smells like wet cat shampoo...I will be lucky if I can get to bed around midnight, but ugggghhhh how annoying is that?!?!?! Looks like it's pizza night again for me, the things I go through here that doesn't happen to anyone else...

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