Saturday, March 13, 2010

Guess what I went and did today??!?!?! Do I feel any better about this rotten, chaotic week??? No, not really, but nothing I can do about it...Just being here seems to do that over and over repeatedly, and I don't even want to think about that anymore than I just have to...It's happened the whole time I've been over here, making me sick for about 1-2 months at a time...Yes I take movie and music stars more seriously than the political world...I know that's a shock to most, but it doesn't look like that's changing anytime soon, and I've been this way my whole entire life so far....Just few more weeks and I can get off this island, and then no more Asian countries for me ever again ever ever ever... I don't care what anyone says to me. They can go there and stay if they think it's so great...and since I'm not a drug addict like so many here already are, I have nothing to do with this place..Yes the truth comes out finally u know, yes it does go on here I find my own things to do, and I am just fine.... Once I get over my mad spells here, I think I will be able to talk again on here and for longer periods of I'm just come to a standstill cause really nothing is going on here now...Oh, and once this dog ugly hoe gets the hell off my webpage all will be right with me and the rest of the world again....sorry but that's not a model!!! since when do I have anything to do with females in the first place??!@?!?!?! few more weeks then I can forget all this!!!! guess i just won't look at the top uggh what an eyesore....=p

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