Sunday, December 20, 2009

I found my phone and ordered it for finally getting through my dreaded computer class finally finally finally after working the whole day then sitting 2 more hours in a class I had no idea about...same ole same ole story here they were out of everything, so I just don't mess with this place at all anymore.. I'm just glad that it's over now so I can get back to having a normal life...It was so great getting to actually meet Craig Morgan the other day and shake his hand and say what few words that I did to him. I've just never met anyone famous before, so I guess I'm starting now...They act just like the rest of us, but I gave him something of mine, so I hope that I stood out from the rest of the crowd. =) It's freezing here now, the wind at least, but not much else is happening. What a total disappointment it was waking up this morning and finding out that the entire East Coast of the United States had been blessed with a huge snow storm. I never see snow ever, unless I look up pictures of it on here, and just stare at it. I think people here somewhere had snow hauled in for Christmas, and it lasted about 3 days I heard on the radio station here. It's nice to see when it's completely untouched, and it's in the middle of the night when it's actually quiet. I haven't experienced that in I don't know how many years now. Well, I hope the entire East Coast enjoys their "White Christmas" while I'm still stuck on an island that shouldn't even be here in the first place. Just few more months and I will get a break from this place...It's just a lot of fuss to actually leave here cause so much is involved whenever you do.....I endured *one* torturous Christmas party this year this other night, and that is all that I'm putting up with. There is only so much that I can take at sitting at a table. I don't even sit at a table at home when I'm here... why on earth would I want to do it for 2-4 hours at some party???? tooo boring for me, esp when I can't sit still to begin with.... For the other one we skipped out on, we went to a Hawaiian Themed restaurant right on the ocean, which was really really nice, but tooo crowded that night. The wind is freezing here now. It feels so good. Sometimes I don't even wear a coat cause I can remember how hot it was during the summer, and even after the summer ended. All the way up until now, just a few weeks ago it was still 80 something degrees...I keep feeling like I am getting sick from doing things like that, but somehow it hasn't hit me full force and I'm glad since the holidays are right around the corner...Then it's my last full year of being here...I will hopefully get to go on my trips without some dumb typhoon coming along and ruining everything for me, and then this time next year, I will be getting ready to move back home... I hope the movers have fun dealing with all this stuff of mine since I don't have to mess with it....=) Enjoy your holiday season, and know I'm thinking of you even if I'm not on here since my internet keeps coming and going... The other night we went for frozen yogurt, and there was a huge dry erase board thing right in front on the board walk, with "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM SANTA?" I can't walk by anything like that without also putting mine as well, and had my fun with it...not that that is going to happen, but it was just for fun....some of those answers were just too funny....

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