Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This made me so upset whenever I saw this video from the Video Music Awards. Taylor Swift is one of my most favorite music artists in the world, and it hurt me a lot to see such a total jerk like him do that to her...The whole internet is buzzing about this, I can hardly do anything on here without something about that popping up, and wow it made me mad when I watched it. Who the hell does that guy think he is?!?!?!!? That is exactly the kind of idiots that I have to be around here all the time, and I just prefer NOT to have anything to do with them at all. I would never treat anyone like this EVER, if I liked them or not. That is not how you go around treating someone!!!!!! This is on here like over 60,000 times, so I hope the entire world sees what a rotten person this loser is. Always remember that bad things happen to bad and miserable people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make a heart which never breaks, make a smile which never hurts, make a touch which never pains, make a friendship which never ends. Rose is famous for Grace.Advocate is famous for his Case.Horses are famous for Race.But you are famous for smile on your Face.

hi again everyone I was playing around with youtube and found this absolutely HILARIOUS video of this guy running his mouth about this event...just when I thought I was about to get my voice back I lose it again by laughing so hard....the part that just about killed me is at 4:21...you HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO watch this to see what is so funny...at least to me...I don't want to spoil it so tell me what u all think wow I had no idea anyone could be so ignorant acting but crack you up at the same time...as usual, it doesn't take much for me at all...esp. something like this WOW lol I think I have a slight headache now as well....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqTlRgTvsfw

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4hIigfQRpk&feature=related -Kayne West RUINED Taylor Swift's Moment---My VMA '09 RANT!!!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqTlRgTvsfw

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