Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So....Is anyone else out there still laughing as hard as I have been every single time I watch that video?!?!?! WOW, I was choking and laughing so hard last night that I thought that I was going to need to be given oxygen. Sorry, but no one here acts that way ever, they are always so dead serious and boring, and always trying to impress everyone else around them, and I don't care about all that....Back home, I always got a laugh outta someone...If I wanted some humor like that, I would just go to Wal-Mart and there were people like that guy all over...too funny, but it was totally WORTH IT.....I am forever done with trying to keep a straight face ever again, cause all I would have to do is think of ***crunch!!!!*** (4:21!!!!!!!!!!) and I die all over again....can't help it though I love this guy, he's too funny not to love...and I'd love to shake anyone's hand for putting me in such a good mood over here with all that I have to deal with just living here from day to day....Anyways, this is the winning video, don't know why he has to go through and retell the whole entire story, but it only makes it a million times funnier....esp. when the whole world already knows what happened.....still that is priceless....WOW I've been so happy that I found that....hope it helped brighten everyone else's day too...I know some won't think think it's funny, yes there are those out there, but nothing I can do, I'm just glad to still be breathing on my own cause I was aching last night not being able to hardly after I saw that....hope u all are having a fantastic week and aren't scared off by my weird moods on here sometimes by what I happen to find funny.....take care everyone.....xoxoxo

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