Sunday, September 30, 2012

hi everyone happy weekend...I have no idea what has been up with this website, but it was completely messed up for me like the past 2-3 days...this is really hard to believe, not so much now that I've been living in Alaska for nearly a year now, but we got our very first snow fall of the season last night!!! it has been raining here non-stop for like the past 3 weeks, stopping then starting up again...everything was sooooo wet outside, that it wasn't really doing anything just falling but not sticking...then this morning I got up and ran to look outside, and everything was just covered in was only a dusting, not even ankle deep, but still it was snow!!!!!!!! and that's something that I haven't seen much of ever always living in disgusting hot climates...(dust storms, rotting palm trees, blowing sand, broken glass, broken up shells, indescribable sunburns, 110+ degree temperatures...) I can go the rest of my life and never miss any of that ever again...the mountains though are completely covered in snow now..not just at the tops...from the top all the way to the middle it's exciting to see the very beginning of winter here in Alaska...I'm thrilled to see our next snow fall and hope that it's much faster, and actually sticks around here until is sooo much colder now than it has been the whole month..water actually freezes outdoors all of this is a first for me, getting snow in September, and me liking it and being around others ( not everyone though) who also like it...I always seem to meet that one miserable soul that is a regular "thorn-in-your-side individual who always has to run everything down no matter how much good there is in it...I talked and talked and talked soooo much the other day before my class, that before the end of the day was over, and also into the next day, I was on my way to loosing my voice throat was scratchy, and no matter how much I tried the "ahem" how you clear your throat, or how much I would drink, nothing would work...that happens to me like every other week though so I'm used to it by now...these people are the most miserable, negative, rude, boring, taking up a space in the world that could very well be used for someone who is actually worth the space, and someone who has something to contribute to the world other than their miserable complaining...I talk non-stop...sometimes are much more worse than others...other times, so so, then there's always the times where it seems like I'm the only one in the room who doesn't know a word of English...I got to talking with someone asking the same old garbage, "where are you from? what's your name? how long have you been here in Alaska? do  you like it here?? blah blah blah...I get they are from Florida and can't stand it here...I said that I absolutely LOVED IT here in Alaska, this is the best place that I have ever lived in my entire life, (besides Italy), and so this is like heaven on earth to me since I've always been in very hot climates...they just kind of looked at me with their mouth open, and couldn't believe what I was saying...I get a very hateful responce... "YOU LIKE IT HERE!?!?!?!" I again said "yes I love it here!!!!!!" like I care who is from Florida and who isn't...I kind of got an eye roll then ignored for the rest of the time I was there...oh well...just another one on my list who hates me...I have nooooooooo idea what is wrong with this website, I can't change my font, or colours of anything, or add any hopefully this will be working again right tomorrow..'night everyone...

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