Thursday, August 4, 2011

Visited Cape Cod Lighthouse Today...Totally Extraordinary...

I've been loving every minute up here on Cape Cod, and spending part of my summer up here as well..I love this place dearly, and never, ever, ever get tired of it ever...This is my 2nd or 3rd time to these places, and it's still like the first time, cause I love it so much...Today we went nearly all the way to the end of the cape, to go and visit an actual lighthouse...I saw one last time I was here, even further than this one was, but I was a whiny, spoiled teenager then, and wouldn't go up it, cause I didn't wanna climb all the stairs, I was tired, blah blah...yes I'm exhausted, but this time I forced myself to go up it...we went to Cape Cod Light, built in 1857, and I went all the way up to the very top where the light is....It's no bigger than a Christmas tree light like the small lights you put on a Christmas tree. It was a very surreal moment, and I just couldn't get enough of it....I love anything with lighthouses, and images of lighthouses, and this one had the winding stairs that you had to go down backwards, like when you go down a ladder..I"m deathly scared of heights, just like I'm scared of everything else, and right away my hands and feet started sweating like crazy and I went into a panic cause I was so high up....I loved being up there, it just takes forever to get to one, and forever to get back...then it was time for dinner, very very fast, then we went out sailing for 2 hours...AMAZING TIME.....I loved it...well you have to love sailing to enjoy that, and the weather was so cool, and it was incredible getting to meet people from all over the United States...The last time I went sailing at sunset, was back in Hawaii, and that's been several years now....I loved it, and it seemed to go so fast....incredible experience, but I"ve always loved sailing my whole life.... :) tomorrow...doing nothing but laying around, cause I"ve been going non-stop since the airport, and I'm beyond exhausted....This has definately been one of my trips of a lifetime...I"ve loved everything and I can't wait to share my pictures with everyone....good night for now...xxxxx

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