Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day!!!!

Happy February!!!! Wow I can hardly believe what I see when I look outside....Just overnight we got a major snow storm and it was still snowing whenever I got up..We ended up with 18 inches of snow, and it's so much, that we can't even open the doors now...It froze my water, and it's piled up because it was blowing and looks sooo pretty....I stepped out bare-footed in the stuff this morning to go outside and take pictures where it was undisturbed...that was everywhere...I went to the door that you pull towards you and not have to push out...Snow was piled up half way up the door and went all the way up to my knee and I LOVED IT....... I didn't even think about the cold....Finally no more Okinawa and I got my wish or got what I wanted at least....My camera is almost full so I can finally put my long awaited pics on here then once they are all down-loaded and sized and whatever else goes along with it...I take pics every single day of something, anything, so they fill up in no time...I've got a 2nd one for a back up so I don't have to stop....Hope everyone is doing great and enjoying whatever weather you are having in your area....This came as a total surprise to me...We never get snow like this, everything is closed down for 2 days in a row...This is so unreal, but I love it!!!

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