Saturday, October 9, 2010

A great big huge hug and hello from Tokyo JAPAN!!!! I made it here a few days ago, and have been kept totally busy from like 5am until 12 midnight tops....If it wasn't one thing it was another, and exhaustion never seems to go away ever....It wasn't so bad coming here, considering how Tokyo is only 2 hours away from Okinawa....It was just a mess getting off that island cause I have to do so much first...I miss my cats so badly now...I haven't seen them for about 5 days now....Tokyo is nice, but I just don't feel connected to it like I have other places...I guess cause I've been over in Japan so long, so none of this is a very big deal to me anymore...We went up north yesterday I believe it was, to where Mt. Fuji is, and I saw it from a distance surrounded by fog and everything else....There is an amusement park that we went to there..Not very big, and I was done with the thing by noon....I saw no reason to make us stay at some amusement park for like 9 hours until after dark....Hard Rock Cafe is just a few blocks away from where we're staying here, and it's nice, but I just couldn't get excited over it like I have others...Today we went to Tokyo Disneyland, and it RAINED THE WHOLE ENTIRE DAY...Also, not to mention there were so many people, that everyone was shoulder to shoulder, and you had to wait in a line for everything that was there like the rides and everything....It was about a 2 to 3 hour wait for one thing...I said forget it cause I wasn't standing in some line in the rain with solid Japanese people all around me making nasty jokes about me, then laughing and I have no idea what they just said about me....It was such a gorgeous theme park, and I love Disneyland...It was just ruined by the fact there were so many people you could barely walk...I have pictures and it was raining and people were just everywhere, and you couldn't even do anything....Let's see...we ended up walking around a few hours, I picked up a few things to remember the place by, then we called it quits, and went and got train tickets and headed on out....I was fed up with it..It wasn't fun at all, and I have no idea why anyone would arrange for us to go to Tokyo Disneyland on a Saturday, when the rest of Tokyo is off work and school, so that is what they are going to do on their time off apparently....I have never seen so many people in my life....The gift shops were ever couldn't even walk in without a swarm of people all over...there were parades going on, and music playing all over, and I would have loved everything, just maybe on a weekday when all of them were at work and school, and I could actually enjoy myself at that place, and now I'm never coming back here, so it makes me feel even more sick....I didn't get to do one thing....nothing.....just basically went, stayed a few hours and left...the crowds were nausiating....They keep saying China has the most population in the entire world.. I think Japan is about the same, or getting very very close...The most frustrating thing is that this is OFF SEASON.....This isn't even summertime, and people still act like the place was just built or something....I planned to go in off season, cause it would be less crowded and not everyone takes vacation when it gets colder...I guess it doesn't matter over here...Wow, maybe I'll have better luck on going to one of the Disneylands when I'm back in the states...It was all decorated up like Halloween, and everything was so gorgeous....I'm unable to connect to yahoo messenger over here at all....they have it blocked for some odd reason.....It's been quite an experience... and I don't miss Okinawa at all...........I just miss chatting on here of course and everything back home...two more miserable months being at that place and then I never have to see it again....It was like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders when I finally got off that wretched island....I will be home soon everyone miss u all.... take care.....xxxx

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