Monday, July 5, 2010

This is my very last week in this apartment and then we move into a duplex as of the middle of next week... That means 3 hallways instead of just one lousy one like now, and no more trudging up stairs outside just to get inside....I am sooo excited so I really hope it goes fast cause I"m ready to move on....This holiday weekend went by soo fast, now it's time to get back to normal schedules and normal time frames again...I heard our holiday back home got rained out...After decorating up the entire downtown area with a lightfest and I'm not sure what else, it did nothing but rain. Sure wish that could have happened here it's nothing but a bunch of arrogant idiots that I'm forced to be around who thinks the world owes them everything...It was pretty boring here, maybe if you were about ages 15 and under it would have been fun, but I care nothing about midway games, or junk food that's for sale...Fireworks is really twice a year for us, Independence Day, then New Years Eve.....not so exciting being over here, cause everything is sooo limited...I"m sooo glad this is my last year over here celebrating anything...I definately won't miss it....We're in the 2nd month of summertime now....only 2 more left until summer is over with and then we are into falltime and it will only be about 3 more months left then...I should know by then where I'm heading after next year 2011....I'm soo tired of waiting and guessing just like everyone else is....My pictures will get on here soon....I can't remember what most of them are, but I do have some new ones to share...Wish I was in the ice and snow's been so hot here it's miserable....So here's to my last week here next week I will be packing up and moving stuff little by little until the movers come for all the big stuff....Then we are moving again permanetely 4 months later...I hope that it picks up more than this cause this is the most boring place I have ever lived....good night everyone hope u have a good week..speak with you all soon....

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