Thursday, February 18, 2010

Right when everyone thought we were going to have summertime start in February, it started raining, and it's turned cold again. This is winter for us here. I read on here and also heard on the tv, that 49 out of 50 states had snow. That has never happened ever the whole time that I lived there, and even since I've been gone these last few years. It's kind of freaky when you stop and think about it. The only one that didn't have snow was Hawaii, which didn't surprise me at all. This year is going a bit faster than I realized. I'm finishing things up, and hopefully moving on soon in just about everything. I can never stay in one place for long, I get bored to death with it, and so beyond restless I want to scream...too hard to explain... Two years solid stuck on this island, and just one more month of waiting, and I will get my vacation finally. I will get to get off this island for about a week and a half at the most. I'm soooo excited and thrilled to pieces about it that I can hardly sleep sometimes at night, like now...To pass the time, I've been swapping different commercials with my friend back and forth to see how funny they are. I can still remember some funny ones from Italy, but I had no idea what they were advertising... I'm still halfway in shock on some of these things that I'm just now discovering. It's pretty fun actually, and I've done that my whole life, it's just harder now to find someone else who also wants to join in with you to do that, since everything is on the internet and email now. Sorry, that stuff is okay, but getting big or small or even just flat envelopes in the mail make me jump in the air I get sooo excited. Esp. at the thought of someone sending me something all the way over here. I can't describe the feeling really...I found the top 10 SuperBowl commercials for 2010 this year. I'm just now seeing some of these for the very first time after like 2 weeks ago. It's soo frustrating cause we don't get these at all over here, but at least I can pull them up on the computer. Most of these in my opinion, are just plain dumb. They were way funnier in the earlier years. You all will see what I"m talking about as I count back the years from 2010...And just when exactly did they start having CHERRY DR. PEPPER!?!?!?! (AND WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME ABOUT IT?!?!?!?!?!) ahhhh we don't have anything here!!!! I can't even get that sent to me either!!! (Perhaps I can order it?????? is that even possible???!!) I know Dr. Pepper has their own website!!! I thought about the only funny one was the one where the guy is like falling off the ladder,the one where they fling the whale back in the ocean, my sides are still hurting lol, and the lasttt Doritos one lol NOT the one with the dog lol...Whoever thought up these commercials put in wayyyy toooo many guys who desperately need to go and shave their back (or go and help each other do that lol lol lol that would be a commecial in itself lol) and also to knock the chip off their shoulder. I got a list of people who need to do that here where I'm at, but I know that's not going to happen anytime soon... okay good night everyone chat with you all soon, only one more day in the weeeeekkkkkkkkkkk.... ☺♥♥♫ xxx

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