Monday, October 26, 2009

This has to be the most funniest thing that I've heard all month long....but it never takes much for me at all...someone was walking out one of these buildings here, and another one started messing around with one of those pigeons like you see in the parks a lot... we have those things everywhere here...we had them all over in Italy too, and found a dead one on our balcony one day....Anyways..I think everyone knows what I"m talking about...whoever this was in front of me was defending this bird and blurts out to this other person...I couldn't hear the first part....something something...."that bird will eat you..."I tried to get the image of a bird like that trying to shove an entire human in their very small mouth, and couldn't...that's what made it so funny, and couldn't stop laughing...these
other people of course couldn't figure out what I found so funny...I just won't ever see birds again the same way ever after that comment....then I found this video on here, and it only added even more to this humor...I don't know if I"m the only one who finds this funny, maybe just how it was said, but I just never heard anything like that....someone is picking or teasing at a bird and someone stands up defending them saying the bird will eat them if they keep tormenting it....Usually it is the other way around with all the chicken houses we have all over the world....too funny, maybe it's just me with this weird sense of humor I have no idea but I couldn't let that go....too funny too funny too funny...I'm going to be replaying that over and over in my sleep tonight I think I got such a kick out of it...I guess I"m the only one on this entire island with a sense of humor...I've just never heard that before ever...a bird who can go around eating humans, instead of humans going around eating the bird....I'm not going to stop it with that one for the rest of the week....hope u all had a good day with u all soon....

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